Libra: Songs of the Zodiac

Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, stands out as a unique symbol among its counterparts, as it is the only sign represented by an inanimate object – the scales. This symbolism embodies the core essence of Libra individuals and their lives, focusing on the principles of balance, harmony, and fairness. Librans are often seen as adept jugglers of relationships and situations. They constantly engage in a delicate dance of equilibrium, both in their personal lives and in their interactions with others. The scales they are associated with represent their innate desire to weigh and evaluate experiences, relationships, and circumstances in search of an ideal world characterized by civility, justice, and harmonious environments.

In the pursuit of this utopian vision, Librans often find themselves immersed in the art of compromise and negotiation. They possess a strong sense of fairness, making them natural peacemakers and diplomats. They are skilled at mediating conflicts and striving to create environments where everyone’s needs and desires are taken into account. However, this commitment to balance can also be a double-edged sword. Librans are sometimes labeled as indecisive because they are so attuned to the pros and cons of any given situation. Their constant weighing of options can lead to hesitation and difficulty in making decisions. They may fear making the wrong choice and disrupting the harmony they hold dear. This aspect of their personality can be a source of frustration for both themselves and those around them.

The Libra psyche operates on a principle of mirroring and balance. They often seek equilibrium by finding the opposing force in any situation. It’s as though they have an inner need to find the yin to their yang, the shadow to their light, and the complementary element in every interaction. This trait contributes to their ability to see multiple sides of an issue but can also lead to a sense of inner conflict as they try to reconcile opposing desires and perspectives. In medical astrology, Libra is associated with the kidneys, the pair of scales within the body that regulate and balance the internal system. This connection to the kidneys symbolizes their role in filtering out impurities and maintaining the body’s equilibrium, much like how Libra individuals strive to maintain equilibrium in their lives and the lives of those around them.

Libra is a zodiac sign that places a strong emphasis on the need for partnership and relationships. Those born under the influence of Libra are often seen as skilled diplomats and peacemakers, and their connection to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, underscores their deep appreciation for aesthetics and harmony in all aspects of life. The relationship between Libra and Aphrodite signifies an innate yearning for the ideal of beauty and the perfect relationship. Libra individuals tend to be kind-hearted and gentle, avoiding cruelty or deliberate harm to others. They possess a strong sense of justice and recognize that their actions can have far-reaching consequences, not only for themselves but for those around them as well. This understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings encourages them to act with grace and consideration.

However, the pursuit of harmony can sometimes lead Libra individuals to struggle with intense and uncivilized emotions such as jealousy, rage, hatred, and revenge. These emotions may feel unsettling to them, as they disrupt the equilibrium they so passionately seek. It can be a challenge for them to navigate these strong feelings and maintain their reputation as peacemakers. Being an air sign and ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra’s mental faculties are inclined toward the intellectual and artistic realms. They possess a natural predisposition towards romance and have a deep appreciation for aesthetics in all forms, whether it be in art, design, or the cultivation of personal relationships. This artistic inclination often extends to their communication and problem-solving skills, making them adept at finding creative solutions and harmonious compromises.

One of Libra’s most remarkable qualities is their ability to bring together opposites and bridge gaps between conflicting parties. They excel at fostering harmony and understanding, making them valuable in resolving disputes and facilitating cooperation. Their diplomatic nature allows them to see multiple perspectives and find common ground, thus contributing to the creation of peaceful and balanced environments.

Libra’s enchantment lies in their ability to unite opposing elements.They’re like bridge builders for warring factions. They’re the glue that holds everything together, making harmony happen in a world that’s often out of tune.

Libra Songs of the Zodiac

Love is in the Air ( John Paul Young)
Opposites Attract (Paula Abdul)
Sweet Harmony (The Beloved)
Cupid Boy (Kylie Minogue)
It Takes Two (Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston)
Perfection (Danni Minogue)
Sweetheart (Mariah Carey)
Someone Like You (Dina Carrol)