Triplicities – The Four Elements

The twelve signs are divided into four groups containing three signs each. Each three-sign group is called a triplicity or trigon, and each of these triplicities denotes an element. The four elements are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. In astrology, an element symbolizes a fundamental characterization of the sign. Alan Leo refers to these elemental … Read moreTriplicities – The Four Elements

Aries – Red

The color red, often associated with the astrological sign Aries, holds a rich array of meanings and associations that span across various aspects of human experience. When we delve into the definition and symbolism of red, we uncover a multitude of intriguing connections that resonate with Aries’ characteristics. Red is described as a radiant energy, … Read moreAries – Red

Painting the Depths: The Vivid Colors of Pisces’ Artistic Soul

Pisces, the celestial entity dwelling on the otherworldly plane, exhibits a profound connection with the feminine power within. This essence of the personality bestows an insatiable hunger for immersing oneself in the boundless depths of the oceanic realm, where an endless cascade of emotions lies waiting to be unveiled. Within the Piscean heart, a multitude … Read morePainting the Depths: The Vivid Colors of Pisces’ Artistic Soul

Slaying the Hydra: Scorpio’s Triumph Over Inner Demons

In the profound journey through life, the souls born under the Sun in Scorpio encounter a myriad of intense and weighty themes. At the outset, there is a tumultuous awakening, as dormant, subconscious, and repressed aspects surge to the surface of consciousness. This stirring unearths a wealth of psychological material, demanding recognition and integration. A … Read moreSlaying the Hydra: Scorpio’s Triumph Over Inner Demons

Urban Astrology Signs

I found that the Urban Dictionary’s entries for the twelve astrological signs varied from humorous to informative to cool to insane to enlightening. It’s fun, from beginning to end. What follows is a list of my top picks: Aries Someone born relatively between March 22 and April 20. Identifying an Aries: when they raise their … Read moreUrban Astrology Signs

Aquarius: Starship Eleven

In the book ‘Through the Looking Glass,” there are interesting ideas about the number eleven, which can be associated with Aquarius, the eleventh sign. Aquarians are known for their logical thinking and ability to approach problems in unique and inventive ways. Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, represents structure, discipline, and intellectual rigor. This aligns … Read moreAquarius: Starship Eleven

“Unlocking the Dark Secrets of Astrology: How Planetary Forces Shape Your Psyche and Unleash Hidden Complexes!”

Astrology delves into the profound dynamics between planetary bodies, describing their interactions as magnetic forces that either attract or conflict with one another. These planetary aspects offer valuable insights into the way we perceive and experience life. The term “aspects” stems from the Latin word meaning “the way a thing is looked at.” It encapsulates … Read more“Unlocking the Dark Secrets of Astrology: How Planetary Forces Shape Your Psyche and Unleash Hidden Complexes!”