Mercury-Pluto Aspects: Trauma to Transformation

The Mercury-Pluto aspect in astrology, particularly when it involves challenging angles such as the square, opposition, or sometimes the conjunction, can cast a shadow over one’s communicative interactions and mental processes. This aspect is not all darkness and gloom, however; it also bestows a potent capacity for transformation, deep insight, and psychological acuity.  Individuals with … Read moreMercury-Pluto Aspects: Trauma to Transformation

Sagittarius: A Teachable Moment

Sagittarius, represented by the archer centaur, embodies a profound connection with the mysteries of life, often delving into matters that transcend the material realm. This zodiac sign is more than just a constellation; it’s a symbol of the insatiable quest for knowledge and meaning that characterizes its individuals. The Sagittarian perspective encompasses a spiritual dimension, … Read moreSagittarius: A Teachable Moment