Shane Gould: Champion Swimmer

Shane Gould is an Australian former champion swimmer, winning a record 5 medals in the 1972 Olympics. The Olympic games take us right into the FIRE sign area of competition, winning and godlike forms. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are all associated with dynamic activity, courage, and victory, with most traditional astrology textbooks relating this blazing … Read moreShane Gould: Champion Swimmer

Venus-Neptune: Swim Ahead, Darling, I’ll Survive

Some astrological events will be tear-inducing, and this man’s death broke my soul. “Francis Servel died selflessly to save his wife’s life. He and his wife Nicole were on a cruise on the Costa Concordia when the ship struck a reef and capsized off the coast of Tuscany, Italy. A strong swimmer, he refused to … Read moreVenus-Neptune: Swim Ahead, Darling, I’ll Survive

Pluto in Capricorn: The Shame Game

Pluto in Capricorn began transiting Capricorn in 2008, and among the first changes observed were the closure of long-standing enterprises and the exposure of the government for various dirty transactions. However, as this transit has progressed, we have witnessed (in the United Kingdom) many celebrities, including Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile, Dave Lee Travis, and Max … Read morePluto in Capricorn: The Shame Game

Lunar Madness

The Queen of the night; the female power of mystery and luminous light. The Moon is known as the mother of precognition conjuring up images of magic and even witchcraft, but there are also elements of madness (it influences murderers with homicides peaking at the time of the Full Moon). Everything we experience is automatically … Read moreLunar Madness

Scorpio: The Meaning of Change

The life of a Scorpio is often marked by dramatic shifts and profound transformations, reflecting the inherent complexities within their nature. At the core of their existence, there exists a constant conflict or tension, manifesting as a struggle between opposing sides of their personality. On one hand, Scorpios grapple with the primal and animalistic instincts … Read moreScorpio: The Meaning of Change

Leo the Lion

Leo’s task is to enhance creativity and to strive towards the greatest possible degree of self-expression. The need to partake in the process of life is powerful, and must be enacted out in some way. Under this sign, we see the truly great leaders and rulers with the power to vitalize and inspire others. It … Read moreLeo the Lion

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