Sun-Saturn: The Limits of a Mortal Life

The life themes for Sun-Saturn often revolve around key issues to do with human failure and imperfection. Life certainly feels its limits, its full capacity tested and the world is experienced as laborious and painful. Saturn rules all that is solid, slow-moving, and enduring. The planet of AGE, GRAVITAS and TIME is a constant, heavy reminder...

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Venus in Pisces: A Collection

Is it true that Venus in Pisces wants to get drunk on love? For sure, this is an intoxicating romantic opiate, styled as the mystic, enchantress or mermaid, which only amps up the sex appeal. When the planet of love is placed in a feminine sign, the person is very compassionate, empathetic, and imaginative. In...

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Pluto in the 3rd House: Curiosity Killed the Cat

Individuals with Pluto in the 3rd house of their natal chart possess a unique and intense influence on their mental state and communication style. Pluto, being associated with transformation and depth, casts its profound energy into the realm of the mind and communication, leaving a lasting impact on these individuals’ thought processes and interactions with...

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Saturn: The Gift of Time

Saturn, our butterscotch-colored globe. Saturn's golden glow and ringed beauty. Saturn with its rounded boundaries, orderly rings of icy rock. Saturn is like a jewel in the night sky. The description of the planet itself is always at odds with traditional readings of the malefic god.

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Capricorn: Building the Dream

Throughout the lives of Capricorns, the emphasis is placed on material prosperity and social position, which is characteristic of the sign. Work is the one place where they actually feel at ease, yet they constantly feel as if they are carrying the heaviest of burdens. Work, work, and more work are the order of the...

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Are the Water Signs Great Manipulators?

Question: Do individuals born under Water Signs tend to be skilled manipulators? Based on my personal observations, I’ve noticed that when they’ve caused harm or betrayal and are confronted about it, they often share a sob story that shifts the focus to their own pain and life difficulties, sometimes portraying the other person as the...

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The Mind-Altering Power of Uranus: Discover the Surprising Ways It Transforms Consciousness!

Uranus, the celestial body linked to our collective psyche, holds the power to align us with a NEW perspective that transcends the confines of conventional reality. It surpasses the boundaries of familiarity and propels us into an extraordinary realm of heightened perception. In ancient Greek mythology, Uranus was revered as the deity of the sky,...

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Saturn in the 1st House: I AM Under Construction

Individuals with Saturn in the 1st house face significant challenges and growth opportunities centered around the development of their identity. Saturn’s influence in this area of the charts signifies a journey marked by self-discovery, self-belief, and the establishment of self-reliance. These lessons often manifest as a need to solidify one’s sense of self and to...

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Taurus: A Stubborn Hope

Question: We all know bulls can be very stubborn in their opinions or choices… and you’ll have a hard time changing any of mine for that matter.  But what would you do or what do you think it would take to persuade a Taurean to do something that it doesn’t really want to do, or...

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Saturn in the 3rd House: Between a Rock and a Socially Awkward Place

When Saturn, the planet associated with discipline, restriction, and responsibility, is positioned in the 3rd house of communication and intellectual pursuits, it can cast a significant influence on an individual’s perception of themselves in the realm of thought and expression. This house traditionally corresponds to communication, learning, and immediate surroundings, making Saturn’s impact felt in...

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Pluto in the 9th House: O.M.A. Obsessive Mental Attitude

When Pluto is positioned in the 9th house of an individual’s astrological birth chart, it imparts a significant influence that encourages a profound and transformative approach to seeking knowledge and understanding. This house is associated with exploration, expansion, and higher learning, including subjects such as philosophy, spirituality, law, and foreign cultures. Pluto’s presence in this...

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The Jupiter Connection: Unleashing Joy and Growth in Synastry

A relationship, deeply rooted in the expansive and benevolent influence of Jupiter, is one of optimism, growth, and joy in the realm of human connections. Jupiter, known in astrology as the planet of luck, fortune, and wisdom, brings its generous qualities to bear in relationships where it prominently features in synastry charts. These charts compare...

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