Saturn Transits: R.E.S.P.E.C.T

  Question: Many people say that Saturn transits are difficult, painful and unfair but I don’t think it’s true. Hard Saturn transits did bring me initially some difficulties and delayed things but in the end, it rewarded my efforts and even brought some success. However, Saturn has always been very tough on me in areas...

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Sun-Neptune: Who Do You Think You Are?

Explore this interpretation of Single White Female interpretation below. Jennifer Jason Leigh’s natal chart features the Sun square Neptune aspect, making her an ideal fit for the role. However, I found myself perplexed while watching the movie “Single White Female” as I struggled to distinguish between the characters. The line between the protagonist and the...

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Grand Cross: Tension, Stress and Trauma

The Grand Cross, an extraordinary and remarkably stressful celestial configuration, emerges when four planets, and sometimes more, align in a complex arrangement of four squares and two oppositions. This potent formation intensifies the challenges encountered, amplifying the turmoil already experienced in the T-square. Individuals whose birth charts display this intricate pattern are often burdened with...

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Mars-Neptune: Strange Paths?

This aspect has become totally fascinating to observe on all kinds of levels. It seems to be following my studies like a ghost directing wherever it wants to go with its passive-aggressiveness. With Mars Neptune astrologers think that the pursuit to ecstasy can follow some strange paths. A major quest of this aspect is probably...

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Progressed Mars-Neptune Aspects

Under this progression, the energy of Mars is insidiously dissipated by Neptune and could cause confusion about your direction in life, goals, and overall motivations. Situations may arise demanding sacrifices that make individual ‘will’ feel impotent or even ineffective. On occasions, it could make you not even bother or try asserting the self. This often...

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Making a Murderer: Steven Avery’s Natal Chart and Transits

The Netflix series Making a Murderer details the life of Steven Avery, a man whose family owned an auto salvage yard in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. In 1985, Avery was arrested and convicted of the sexual assault of Penny Beerntsen, despite having an alibi. After serving 18 years in prison, Avery was exonerated with the aid...

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Pluto Transits the 10th House/MC: Life-Changing Moments and Career Shifts

When Pluto transits the 10th house, it brings about significant changes and transformations in various aspects of your life, particularly in your career, status, and reputation. This transit marks the closing of one chapter of your life while simultaneously opening the door to a new phase. During this transit, you may experience crises and fated...

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Sun-Saturn: Separation and Loneliness

Question: I have Sun-Saturn natally and none of the people in my area want to talk to me. Have been feeling pretty much lonely now and I am very very depressed with the situation. I’ve stayed away from bitter loneliness by staying busy but sometimes I’ll experience bursts of loneliness and the pang of feeling...

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Air Signs: Emotional Hurts Hurt a Thousand Times More

Question: Is it true that air signs are more remote and emotionless? My AIR buddy has a primitive understanding of emotions. She is an extremely devoted and fun-loving friend and person to be around, yet she lacks true depth. She talks a lot about how she feels, but she’s lousy at expressing it, with little...

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Pluto Transits 1st House: A Ceremonial Rite of Passage

In astrology, Pluto’s movements are like major turning points. They bring intense changes that can feel like a shake-up, but they also push us to grow and become new versions of ourselves. Plutonian events are often described as terrifying because they bring about intensive and sometimes challenging changes, stripping away layers of familiarity and comfort....

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Sun-Pluto: Life With a Powerful Man

A Sun-pluto woman is often drawn to a powerful man that is extremely determined in what he does. A Plutonian woman interprets him, in my opinion, as really sexy. One of the true draws is the magnetism of a man with power: His knowledge, insight, presence, makes her want more of it. She might find...

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Venus-Neptune: Multiple Relationships

The Venus-Neptune aspect in astrology is often romanticized for its dreamy, idealistic views on love, but it also carries a complex, sometimes challenging, energy that deeply affects personal relationships. Astrologers interpret the it as one where the qualities of Venus (representing love, beauty, and harmony) blend with the characteristics of Neptune (associated with idealism, disillusionment,...

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