The Power of the Sun: Transforming Darkness into Light

The act of revealing our individuality and true character, symbolized by the Sun, plays a fundamental role in the establishment of our sense of self and uniqueness. According to the renowned psychologist Carl Jung, the process of discovering and embracing our unique identities is referred to as “individuation.” It is a journey of self-discovery, where … Read moreThe Power of the Sun: Transforming Darkness into Light

Psycho-Spiritual Depth: The Psychological Significance of Pluto in the 8th House

Question: What does Pluto in the 8th say about your psychological issues? The reason I ask is because I have this placement and have some psycho issues. I was once diagnosed as ’emotionally disturbed’ and ‘depressed’ by a shrink as a kid. Pluto in the 8th house is a placement that carries significant intensity and...

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The 11th House Quotes

The 11th house in astrology represents the sphere of social connections, friendships, aspirations, and collective goals. It is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius, which is symbolized by the Tarot card of the Star, representing hope, inspiration, and optimism. The imagery of a woman pouring water from a jug in the Tarot card aligns...

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The 10 Quarks of Aquarius

1. Aquarius, as the fundamental sign of greater awareness, leads human beings into further fields of realization. Pushing boundaries is their main goal, and they want to us to be aware of the stars, galaxies, and planets in order for us so step outside of our box of limitations. The highest manifestation of the Aquarian spirit is...

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Astrology: These Bits and Pieces

In the realm of higher celestial beings, perception goes beyond the limitations of human senses. The amazing ability to see all of reality at once allows them to go beyond the constraints of time and space. To them, the universe is a complex web of relationships between the planets and the stars and other mathematical...

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Uranian People: The Outsiders

Don't forget Uranian folks are half in reality and half in another galaxy. Some Uranus people resonate with the feeling that they'd gotten off at the wrong stop, as if the bus traveling through space and time randomly opens its doors and drops souls off to live through whatever time they're assigned.

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Saturn, within psychological astrology, embodies the archetype of discipline, structure, and limitation. Its influence is akin to that of the wise old man, a mentor figure found in many cultures and stories, who teaches through challenge and restriction. This planetary force does not aim to stifle or suppress but to instill a deep sense of … Read moreSaturn

What’s the Best Synastry Book?

What’s the best synastry book? Understanding the astrology of a relationship is fascinating. A partner’s chart meshes with the aspects of our chart whenever a mutual bond is formed. Basically, we are assessing how we fit together with a lover. Astrology is great for analyzing some of the key themes happening in our connection, and there is...

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