Does the Libra Man Really want a Barbie Doll?

The Libra man’s dream woman Astrologer Hazel Dixon-Cooper portrays the “The Libra man is an idealistic dreamer who believes in world peace and fair play. He will take you to the most expensive restaurant…He wants a Barbie Doll to cook, clean, and entertain his endless procession of casual friends. He’s superficial. A Libra man prefers … Read moreDoes the Libra Man Really want a Barbie Doll?

Astrological Insights: Embracing and Healing the Inner Wounds of the Child

In the depths of our psychological landscape, a wounded child may bear the mark of pain and vulnerability, forever etched upon their soul. The precise moment of injury remains elusive, shrouded in uncertainty, but when it emerges, it presents a unique opportunity for the child to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner growth. … Read moreAstrological Insights: Embracing and Healing the Inner Wounds of the Child

Saturn in Synastry: The Inescapable Aura About Saturn Contacts

Certain relationships have a profound impact on our personal growth and development. When we connect with others whose Saturn is in aspect with our own personal planet in synastry, it can lead to a sense of rootedness and a commitment to mutual growth. These connections are often characterized by significant long-term commitments, and they are … Read moreSaturn in Synastry: The Inescapable Aura About Saturn Contacts

South Node in Capricorn – North Node in Cancer

The South Node in Capricorn individual has developed quite a thick-skin over-time and may be considered hard-headed and even rock-like in a particular area of life. The individual instinctively knows how to build a solid foundation in the real world, and this Node represents the various qualities within the personality connected with rock, such as … Read moreSouth Node in Capricorn – North Node in Cancer

South Node Gemini – North Node Sagittarius

If your North Node is in Sagittarius and your South Node is in Gemini, you are likely someone who has spent a lot of time in the past engaging in intellectual and communicative pursuits, and who may have entered this life as something of a pure intellectual being who finds appeal in many different kinds … Read moreSouth Node Gemini – North Node Sagittarius

Love’s Mirage: The Sun- Neptune Synastry Influence

Sun-Neptune aspects in synastry bring a unique and complex dynamic to relationships, characterized by a mix of heightened sensitivity, romantic allure, and potential challenges stemming from unrealistic expectations and illusions. These connections often create an intense emotional bond that transcends the mundane and taps into a spiritual realm. However, navigating the waters of Neptune aspects … Read moreLove’s Mirage: The Sun- Neptune Synastry Influence

8th House Astrology – Shedding Light on Intimate Relationships

The 8th house in astrology represents a dark place, and at some point in our lives, we will all confront some of our darkest moments right here. Many of us fear to let our darker sides show, our inferior parts and the things that we may think are unacceptable, paranoid that others will think there … Read more8th House Astrology – Shedding Light on Intimate Relationships

The North Node Journey: Taking the Road Less Traveled

In astrology, the Nodes play a significant role, often referred to as the axis of fate or destiny. The Nodes in astrology are points where the path of the Moon intersects with the ecliptic, creating two distinct points known as the North Node and the South Node. These nodes are not physical celestial bodies but … Read moreThe North Node Journey: Taking the Road Less Traveled

Pisces’ Secret Room

The “Secret Self” linked to Pisces is a fascinating exploration of the hidden depths within each individual’s psyche. According to Tracey Marks, this enigmatic aspect of our personality is associated with the astrological sign Pisces. Just like finding the elusive mermaid in the ocean’s depths can be a challenge, understanding and accessing one’s Secret World … Read morePisces’ Secret Room

Mars-Saturn: You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Angry

You wouldn’t like me when I ‘m angry, is something David Bruce Banner would say on the television series The Incredible Hulk. David lost his wife in a car crash and as a scientist wanted to discover the secret to super-human-strength in the face of crisis. The man who plays David Banner has Mars conjunct … Read moreMars-Saturn: You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Angry