The Bubblegum Babe’s Guide to Pisces

“All right, let’s get to work”! It is time for you, Pisces, to confront the realities of life. Let’s face the harsh, cold reality that exists outside. My guess is that you’d prefer to stay in bed, and that if you were to be roused, you’d be filled with jealousy aimed at others who are...

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A Book for Pisces: Tripping: An Anthology of True-Life Psychedelic Adventures

Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, often symbolizes the culmination of the astrological journey, representing the dissolution of boundaries and the merging of the individual with the collective unconscious. This sign, characterized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, encapsulates the dual nature of human existence—the physical and the spiritual, the conscious and the...

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Pisces As a Teenager

OVERSENSITIVE The Piscean cries easily. A sentimental movie, a love song, reading a sad book. It sends them into this tender liquid state. People think the Piscean is just hOrmOnallY sensitive to everything. However, these waves of sensitive feelings they’re experiencing are incredibly hard at this age. Everything feels, like, well, TOTALLY OVERWHELMING. Most of...

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The Astrology of Cats and One Dog

The Aries cat, with its energetic and curious nature, embodies the essence of the zodiac sign. It thrives on exploration and adventure, eagerly pouncing on anything new and untried. This characteristic mirrors the Arian’ personality, as they too have an innate desire to venture into the unknown and take on new challenges. In Isabel Hickey’s … Read moreThe Astrology of Cats and One Dog

Pin-up Girls of the Zodiac

Whilst on Pinterest I found some interesting and colourful toons of lovely glamour ladies. As I was looking at the pictures, the zodiac signs began forming in my mind. Therefore, you have 12 Calender girls for every month. Transiting Venus is conjunct my Mars right now, and so it has been decided that it is … Read morePin-up Girls of the Zodiac

Vintage Astrology

Mars, the planet of war and conflict, rules Aries. This should serve as a warning that this is not the type of person to provoke, as they will respond swiftly each time they are wronged. An Arian is a passionate, self-centered, and often brash individual. According to Charles Carter, people of this personality type don’t … Read moreVintage Astrology

Diving into the Depths: Exploring the Psychic Gifts of Water Signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Psychism, as a concept, delves into the realms beyond what can be explained by physical science or conventional knowledge. It encompasses the immaterial and the irrational facets of life, exploring the mysteries that lie beyond our comprehension. A psychic person, in this context, is someone who possesses a heightened sensitivity to supernatural forces and the … Read moreDiving into the Depths: Exploring the Psychic Gifts of Water Signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Paws and Planets: Understanding Your Cat’s Cosmic Personality – Part 1

This guide on the zodiac signs of cats can help you better understand your feline friend on a cosmic level. ARIES The majestic Arian cat proudly holds the title of the zodiac’s forerunner and leader, symbolizing the sign of Aries, a cardinal fire sign that embodies the positive energy of Mars and the exaltation of … Read morePaws and Planets: Understanding Your Cat’s Cosmic Personality – Part 1

Pisces: A Thousand Different Ways

Pisceans by nature are slippery and will defy attempts to label them. Because in your reality, everything is constantly evolving. Having a personality that’s open to change is freeing because it means you don’t have to fit into any one mould and that you may embrace a wide range of experiences and perspectives. That which...

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Pisces: Disappearing into the Deep

Pisces, as the last of the mutable signs, holds a unique and significant place in the zodiac. Symbolized by the Fish and associated with the element of Water, Pisces represents the culmination of the astrological year. This positioning marks a transition from the end of winter, represented by the preceding sign, Aquarius, to the beginning...

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