Scorpio: The Meaning of Change

The life of a Scorpio is often marked by dramatic shifts and profound transformations, reflecting the inherent complexities within their nature. At the core of their existence, there exists a constant conflict or tension, manifesting as a struggle between opposing sides of their personality. On one hand, Scorpios grapple with the primal and animalistic instincts … Read moreScorpio: The Meaning of Change

Slaying the Hydra: Scorpio’s Triumph Over Inner Demons

In the profound journey through life, the souls born under the Sun in Scorpio encounter a myriad of intense and weighty themes. At the outset, there is a tumultuous awakening, as dormant, subconscious, and repressed aspects surge to the surface of consciousness. This stirring unearths a wealth of psychological material, demanding recognition and integration. A … Read moreSlaying the Hydra: Scorpio’s Triumph Over Inner Demons

Urban Astrology Signs

I found that the Urban Dictionary’s entries for the twelve astrological signs varied from humorous to informative to cool to insane to enlightening. It’s fun, from beginning to end. What follows is a list of my top picks: Aries Someone born relatively between March 22 and April 20. Identifying an Aries: when they raise their … Read moreUrban Astrology Signs

The Water Signs: Drama Queens?

The water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, characterized by their emotional depth and intuitive nature, are presented to us as the patrons of empathy and understanding, standing steadfastly by our side during life’s most challenging moments. Within their watery nature lies the ability to explore the depths of the heart and psyche, attracting us with a … Read moreThe Water Signs: Drama Queens?

The Aniti-Flirt Club: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio Part 2

Leo The Leo flirts via their self-expression; they are passionate and lively lovers who dazzle others with their ability to shine brightly like the Sun. Additionally, a magnificent attraction and charisma show through, and they are unashamed of their cheerful disposition. They may be required to be the centre of attention at times, and they … Read moreThe Aniti-Flirt Club: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio Part 2