Venus in the 9th House: An Exotic Breeze

Question: I have read and also I have been told that this position shows loving somebody from another country. Is it true? This position of Venus seems to add more joy, excitement, and mystery to falling in love; it makes the eyes lift and the mind soar. Venus represents, according to its house placement, where...

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Saturn: The Perfectionist?

Question: Is Saturn prominent in the charts of perfectionists? It could be said that an individual with a powerful Saturn in the chart has self-perfectionist ways and will often strive towards impossible standards. Some call it perfectionism, but it really is just a high-end cotour version of fear when really the person is just terrified....

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The Uranus-Sun Transit

Astrologers often refer to Uranus transits as the Uranian Humpty-Dumpty effect—a situation where the pieces of our lives are shattered beyond repair, resembling a broken egg, yet potentially leading to a new and transformative outcome. The analogy draws attention to the fragility of established structures, urging us to embrace the potential for renewal within the...

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Astrology: The Advantages of Learning Astrology

The astrology chart represents the basic imprint or template of your psyche’s individuality and how it is patterned. A chart yields a description of who you or are likely to be. Learning its astrological language and figuring out how to interpret it is akin to an act of self-discovery. You encounter aspects of the self...

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Venus: The Essence of Beauty

Question: is Venus the planet of beauty and attractiveness? Venus represents the core essence of the feminine nature. Through her powers of divine beauty and magnetic desirability, she ignites the spark of the creative process. As Aphrodite was the essence of beauty, so also was her beauty intrinsically golden. Her beauty was the beauty of...

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Water Signs: The Nonverbal Communicators

Question: How good are water signs at reading people? The water signs represent dreams and fantasies and all unconscious material. Such as slips of the tongue, bodily reactions, omens, and synchronistic events. The element rules the subconscious and the things that we do that we are unaware of. In the Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Dr. Sigmund Freud focuses...

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Mercury-Saturn: Difficulty With Expressing Myself

Question: In my astrological chart, Mercury is in conjunction with Saturn. It manifests as a challenge in articulating my thoughts—either I struggle to verbalize them coherently, or if I manage to do so, I find myself stammering and creating confusion. This leads to uncertainty about whether the person I’m conversing with truly understands my message....

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The Average Gemini

Question: Unless they have dissociative identity disorder, the average Gemini has one personality like everyone else. It’s worth noting that Geminis aren’t two persons in one! Or something along those lines. They simply have enough interests and know enough about enough subjects to span two persons. Like the typical person enjoys gardening and reading, the...

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Pluto in the 5th House: The Blackhearts

In the heavens, where planets weave the fate of mortals, the placement of Pluto in relation to the 5th house casts a shadow over our earthly desires, passions, and the way we experience relationships. This house, traditionally associated with the joy of creation, pleasure, and romantic entanglements, becomes a stage for Pluto’s deep and transformative...

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Mercury-Neptune: Lost in Thought

The slippery domain ruled by Mercury and Neptune contains both illusive and lost thoughts. Your soul swims around in the imagination while information washes over you like waves in the ocean. It is not easy to readjust your perceptions when you’re in this state and return to the land of the living. At times, though, it appears...

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Sun-Neptune: A Symbolic World

Question: I’m currently immersed in Jung’s magnum opus, The Red Book, and it has sparked some intriguing thoughts. Jung, a practitioner who incorporated astrology into his medical work, had a notable aspect in his own natal chart: a close square between the Sun and Neptune. This particular aspect is a common finding in the birth...

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Healing the Mind’s Seas: Nurturing Harmony in the Mercury-Neptune Realm

The influence of the Mercury-Neptune aspect on the realm of thought can be described as a transformative shift from the usual purposeful and directed thinking to a more meandering and drifting quality. In this state, the mind resembles a dormant unconscious mind that wanders freely along associative processes, similar to daydreaming. Unlike consciously focused thinking,...

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