A Planet in the 8th House: Gets Into the Same Situations Over and Over. It Has to Do With Its Connection to the Dead!

Question: What would you say about planets in the 8th house? Planets in the 8th house both fascinate as well as instill fear in us. We have a kind of love-hate relationship with them. On a personal level, you often form love–hate relationships, which are linked to conflicting responses by different emotional states within you....

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8th House Drama: The D.R.E.A.M Club

Question: The 8th House, situated in the zodiac division, is distinctively marked by its malevolent and harsh qualities. It carries an ominous undertone in the chart, suggesting a propensity for negativity unless formidable counteracting forces can alleviate its inherent implications. Additionally, for individuals with planets placed in this house, it often brings about heightened drama...

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The 12th House: The Hauntings of Our Water Houses

With challenging placements in the 12th house, you are meant to deal with the wounds of your ancestors. And while this all sounds very ghostly and out of this world (your own wounds are hard enough work), it has been found out that trauma can be passed genetically from grandparent to parent to child. When...

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A Planet on the Cusp of the Next House: Within Four to Five Degrees

Question: When the Moon is in the 11th house, close to the 12th, can that be interpreted as if the Moon were in the 12th house? In astrology, the relationship between planets and houses offers intriguing insights into our lives. When a planet is very close to the cusp of the next house, its influence...

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Question: What Does It Mean to Have a Stellium of Planets in the 1st House?

In the case of many planets in this part of the chart, your view of life is colored and very varied. With a greater variety of faces to wear, sometimes it might seem as if you’re wearing them all at once, but at other times you may choose to put only your best face forward,...

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House Emphasis: Water Houses

If there’s an emphasis of planets in the Water Houses, you know that you’re a person who is very much motivated by yearnings, very deep, unconscious needs and desires, so deep that it may be difficult for you to know what is going on. The subjective factors are the chief motivation, and while more consciousness...

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8th House Experiences

The 8th house in astrology is often considered one of the most profound and intense areas of the horoscope, delving into the mysteries of the unconscious mind and exploring themes of transformation, death, and rebirth. When a planet resides in this realm, its energy may lay dormant for extended periods, quietly accumulating beneath the surface...

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The Ascendant: The Watery Planets – Moon, Neptune and Pluto in the 1st House

The Ascendant is the degree of the zodiac that was on the eastern horizon at the time you took your first breath. It is the ‘dawn point’ of your human experience and expression, as well as the starting point of the first house of identity in which you are a part of. When I think...

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The 12th House: Waters of Creativity

Question: To what end does the 12th house’s imagination serve? The person with a strong emphasis on the 12th house is like a portal for the subconscious, and the things that keeps seeping into our world may be found in the individual’s turbulent waters. Planets located here can be found in the birth charts of...

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The 12th House: The Undersea

Question: I want to state one of my experiences because personally, I wasn’t very happy when I found out that I have 4 planets in the 12th astrology house. I really don’t enjoy it that much. My experiences with the 12th House — you are literally invisible– MISUNDERSTOOD. This can be good or bad (I think...

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The Third House Quotes

This is a full and busy house because it concerns a multitude of factors. Primarily, this is the house of relating in terms of our immediate environment. It speaks about our verbal skills and the way we communicate our thoughts, ideas, and opinions through the written or spoken word. Our mental framework is conditioned by...

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The 2nd House Quotes

In your astrological birth chart, the second house below the eastern horizon, refers to possessions; but this word possessions, is usually thought of in a much too narrow sense; i.e., merely as money or goods. It should mean anything necessary to manifest in existence what you are as an individual center of which you can...

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