SONY DSCI’ll Give You the Sun,” written by Jandy Nelson, is a fiction book that tells the story of twins, Noah and Jude. It follows their journey to mend their relationship as they go through ups and downs in their lives. The constellation Gemini, symbolized by the mythological twins Castor and Pollux, serves as a metaphor for the inherent duality within the human psyche. Similar to the twin stars in a constellation that gaze in opposing directions, individuals born under the Gemini zodiac sign frequently display dual personas that exist together within a single being. This reflection harkens back to the symbolism of Janus, the Roman deity with two faces—one peering into the past, and the other into the future—implying a tension between conflicting forces. The twins’ previously unbreakable bond fracturing reflects the profound complexity of the Gemini nature, echoing the notion of the twin selves pulling in opposite directions. The story’s structure, alternating between the perspectives of the two twins and different points in time, provides readers with a multifaceted view of their emotions, conflicts, and growth. Within the story, the twins frequently engage in the act of “switching places,” a potent allegory that parallels the Gemini experience.

The profound duality of this Geminian nature finds vivid portrayal in the lives and artistic endeavors of individuals like Morrissey, who was born under the Gemini zodiac sign. In his B-side track “I am Two People,” Morrissey openly reveals his inner conflicts, laying bare the core of the Gemini archetype. His unreserved confessions during interviews, discussing the constant shift between outgoing charisma and inward reservation, expose the ongoing struggle that resides within him. These conflicting external and internal personas, frequently in disagreement, mirror the constellation’s depiction of two separate yet intertwined entities. Morrissey’s candid confessions about living with contradictory personas underscore the deep-seated battle to reconcile these conflicting aspects, leading to phases of self-doubt and introspection.

The sensation of being pulled between two distinct identities encapsulates the complex inner conflict frequently associated with Geminis. This dual nature that characterizes them serves as a source of both creative ingenuity and internal discord, molding not just their characters but also influencing how they engage with the world around them. The novel also corresponds with Carl Jung’s psychological concept of the shadow self, an unexplored domain in the unconscious mind containing suppressed desires, vulnerabilities, and instincts. At the heart of the Gemini archetype lies the ability to simultaneously contain opposing viewpoints and perspectives—a concept often referred to as the “twin” or “shadow self.” For Geminis, acknowledging their shadow self might entail recognizing the less familiar or understood parts of their personality and integrating them into their sense of self.

Within the Gemini individual, an internal battle may ensue between the bright, light, and ethereal aspects of their nature and the darker, moody parts that they might struggle to accept or acknowledge. This perpetual oscillation between extremes contributes to their restless and changeable nature. As they seek to find balance and unity within themselves, Geminis often engage in numerous activities and pursuits, trying on different identities and exploring various parts of their being.

The soul of a Gemini possesses a remarkable ability to compare and contrast different aspects of life, recognizing the pairs of opposites that exist in the world, such as spring and fall, life and death, and yin and yang. This inherent skill allows them to bridge gaps and attempt to reconcile these opposing forces, aiming to appease the sense of dividedness they may feel within. Ultimately, the essence of Gemini lies in the journey towards achieving oneness and integration within the self, bridging the gap between conflicting qualities to find inner peace and contentment.

The connection between Gemini and the concept of duality is beautifully illustrated in the Tarot deck through the Lovers card, which represents the Twins. This card symbolizes the idea of two, emphasizing the dualistic nature of Gemini. The Lovers card not only embodies romantic love but also the broader theme of choices, partnerships, and the need to find harmony and balance between opposing forces. Language plays a crucial role in the life of a Gemini, as their love for communication and expression allows them to articulate and connect the relationship between two opposites.

For astrologers and those who have personal relationships with Geminian individuals, the concept of two-ness in Gemini has always intrigued and fascinated. While their dynamic and ever-changing nature can be both enchanting and challenging to understand, but it also adds depth and richness to their character.

As Dane Rudhyar points out in Zodiacal Matrix, there is always a unifying nature within the air signs.

Astrologers have stressed the dualism of the sign Gemini, and this has often led typical Gemini persons into many blind alleys. Gemini implies duality; the duality of the not self, the duality found at the root of all intellectual processes. Nevertheless, if left alone, this dualism would leave nowhere. The pattern of all intellectual things is syllogism: that is, a series of three propositions – thesis, antitheses and synthesis. If there is no mental reconciliation (synthesis) of the opposites (thesis and anti-thesis), nothing happens – only aimless conflict. Dualism in Gemini contains already the potentiality of an immediate synthesis. And of that synthesis cannot take place – because of some kind of “complex” or bias – then some form of at least temporary neurosis develops unavoidably… The symbol of Gemini (Roman numeral for two) shows the two sacred columns of Masonry – the two polarities of human consciousness, thesis and anti-thesis; but it shows also the in projection the roof of the temple. This is the “third” factor which unites and gives meaning to all dualities.”  The Zodiac as The Universal Matrix (The Lost Writings of Dane Rudhyar Book 1) 

Gemini is represented by two figures, either both male, or male and female, but always holding hands or otherwise linked.

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