Under a Neptune transit to the Moon, you’re like a sponge in the middle of the ocean, soaking up everything, unsure where you end and the world begins. This is a prolonged immersion into the depths of feeling, intuition, and—let’s…
When Neptune transits to the Moon, it’s a stirring that leaves us feeling a little misty-eyed. It puts a soft-focus filter over our emotional landscape, inviting us to dive into the deep waters of nostalgia. We may find ourselves hypnotized…...
The Tale of the Rose by Consuelo Suncin Sandoval de Gómez, widow of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, reveals the Passionate story of their marriage—a relationship both enchanting and fraught with challenges. Meeting in Buenos Aires in 1930, their connection was immediate:…...
The connection between Neptune and the Moon in astrology is often perceived as a harmonious bond, creating a sense of unity that resonates on a deep, emotional level. This aspect evokes images of moonlit beaches and calm seas, symbolizing a…...
The transformative Neptune transit to the Moon brings forth an opportunity to address neglected areas of our lives, rejuvenating and repairing the unconscious leaks `that hinder our growth. Under this watery transiting energy, emotions surge to the surface with heightened…...
Neptune rules the depths of the subconscious, and the Moon governs the past, innermost feelings and memories, when merged it feels like awakening within a dream, where forgotten scenes from your early years suddenly cascade into your personal life. This…...
During a transit of Neptune to the Moon, the celestial alignment creates a unique and enchanting emotional experience for those influenced by its cosmic energy. This astral event has the potential to cast a mesmerizing spell, allowing individuals to immerse…...
The Neptune-Moon transit reflects a time when you might be heading through a misty forest, where the trees might be ghosts, or maybe they’re just your own daydreams come to haunt you. There’s a certain tragedy and beauty in this…...
Neptune transits to the Moon can bring about significant shifts in emotional experiences and perceptions. The Moon in astrology represents our emotions, instincts, and the way we nurture ourselves and others. When influenced by Neptune, the planet associated with dreams,…...
Neptune’s transit over the Moon expands your emotional boundaries, making you more empathetic, understanding, and sensitive. It’s possible that you’ll feel particularly delicate and sensitive to the harsh realities of life and the reactions of those around you. This may cause…...
The astrological aspect of the Moon trine Neptune merges the emotional and nurturing attributes linked to the Moon with the dreamy and intuitive energies associated with Neptune. This harmonious aspect is a blending of emotions and spirituality, exerting its influence…...
When Neptune transits over the Moon, it heightens our capacity for compassion and makes us more perceptive to the feelings of others around us. This profound empathy for the plight of others extends far beyond our own families; we have…