We humans are all a little scared of the dark, but some of us are a bit less afraid than others. With your Pluto in the traditional house of friends, you’re drawn to claim membership in a Plutonian tribe- that…...
Plutonian topics are by definition, nervous subjects we talk about carefully, if at all: sex, disease, death, money, aging. In social relations, we approach them with great diplomacy and almost Oriental indirectness-or with the marvelous, buffering illusions of emotional honesty…...
With Pluto in the 9th house, there is a driving hunger to penetrate down to the honest heart of whatever matters face you. The ninth house always ultimately seeks understanding, and Pluto intensifies the motivation as well as aiming it…...
Drama finds you. Psychological intensity radiates from you. When you walk into a room, there’s a witchy, almost shamanic energy just beneath the surface. These are Plutonian qualities and Pluto is the natural ruler of the eighth house, so its…...
Ostensibly we all choose our friends- unlike family, those are voluntary relationships. But friendship, like deeper forms of intimacy, is partly karmic too. We have evolutionary business with people who seem to be inexplicable “choices.” With Pluto in the seventh…...
When truly dreadful things happen in life, you find out who your friends are. It can be a bitter phrase or a very sweet one, depending on whether the people you count on daily will prove reliable. With Pluto in…...
Power and transformation enter your life via your creative means of expression or romantic involvements. With the former, artwork, hobbies or drama can be quite heavy, death-defying or macabre. You wouldn’t just paint pretty pictures for instance; you’d really be…...
With Pluto in the deep, interior world of the fourth house, there is an undercurrent of psychological intensity that flows like blood through a vein. Looking in from the outside, the surface of the pond might seem placid enough –…
You know that conversation is going to head for the deep end of the pool. Maybe it will start out as humour – and you make a risque remark or offer some teasing “psychological insight” that actually cuts to the…...
Pluto placements in the angular houses are always more obviously intense, because they are setting the pace for an entire quadrant of the horoscope; in this case, setting the tone for the second quadrant’s use and display of personal power…....
Money is the keynote of this House and with Pluto therein, money will be a focal point in the life around which many other people and things will revolve. It can be symbolized, to a great extent, as a light,…...
Pluto in the 1st house gives you great strength of character, and you can accomplish anything you wish. As this part of the chart also rules the physical body, this energy can keep you going when it seems almost impossible…...