Solar and Full Moon Membership Articles

Fire Signs: Those Endless Tomorrows

The Aries, Leo, Sagittarius trio embodies the very essence of what it means to live in the moment, to charge forward with a wildness that defies the drudgery of daily life. But what if we all had a bit of…...

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The Astrology of Grigory Perelman: The Maths Genius Who Said No to $1m

Grigori Perelman, the modern-day mystic of mathematics, is a true enigma wrapped in the realm of theoretical space! He peers into the abstract chasms of topology—the study of shapes and spaces defying even the most ambitious imaginations—and emerges with a…...

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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Chiron in the 7th House

Question: I have Chiron in the 7th house, and I’ve remained unmarried for the majority of my life, which I’ve enjoyed. That is, until I read about how romantic relationships may never provide me with genuine satisfaction. This is the…...

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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Question: Would a Pluto Trine in Transit in a Chart Represent the Healing of Pain?

Pluto transits are often viewed as periods of intense transformation and deep psychological probing. When Pluto forms a transiting trine—an aspect considered harmonious and supportive—to a natal planet or point, the energies it brings can facilitate heightened personal growth and…...

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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Sun-Saturn: The Alcoholic

According to Liz Greene:  I have usually found a Sun-Saturn aspect where there is a drug or alcohol problem, and I think it is because drugs or alcohol seem to ease the pain and frustration of Sun-Saturn. Sun-Saturn can be…...

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Aries: Loves Trouble

When it comes to sex, you give yourself wholeheartedly to the experience. You are sensual and particularly responsive to a partner who is willing to experiment with new techniques, since the sense of novelty is important to you. It is…...

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Virgo: We Have High Standards of Ourselves

A mutable earthy sign, ruled by Mercury. Ingrid Lind once again asks straight away: How can earth be mutable and mercurial? And the answer yet again is in the other ingredients (though, as she says, this internal conflict does tend…...

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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The Conjunction, Soft & Hard Aspects

The various aspect relationships in astrology—conjunction, sextile, trine, square, inconjunct, and opposition—explore similar ideas and themes from different perspectives, ranging from gentle to energetic, to even outright conflict. These aspects denote the angular distances or arcs of separation between planets…....

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Aries: Daring to Drive

How would you like to wake up tomorrow feeling young and fearless, full of creative energy, unworried about anyone else’s opinion, knowing exactly what you want to do with your life, and having the unswerving intention of doing it? Wait…...

This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
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