Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Capricorn is deeply serious and responsible, they often try to carry the world on their shoulders and rarely let others know when they need help and support. This Moon can receive a ‘bad rap’ in astrological textbooks for being prone to melancholy, and generally feeling overly serious all of the time. Insultingly referring to them as boring old souls unable to relax and have some fun. Whilst there is something of the ‘old woman’ peeking out underneath, this lunar position may sometimes feel like the childhood was dampened in some way.
According to Charles Carter:
The stern, fateful, almost gloomy side of the sign seems to me to have been exaggerated. It is true, of course, that we can contrast the kindly and sympathetic Cancer with the strict duty-loving Capricorn; but in actual fact Capricornian parents are (so far as my observation goes) as affectionate as nay, and more aware of the responsibilities of parenthood than many others. Indeed, they take these very much to heart. Similarly, once married these are usually devoted and conscientious partners.
Interpreting this as purely a ‘cold Moon’ is something that needs re-addressing in astrology books. If the individual has hardened emotionally it usually for a good reason. Most of it relates to the safeguards around the heart, protecting themselves from further ‘detriment.’ An individual with the Moon in Capricorn expresses their feelings in a highly disciplined way, and demonstrates nurturing and protection through endurance, structure, and stability. Capricorn is concerned with material security and social acceptance, and to feel secure, all earth Moons need to feel useful and create tangible structures.
The Moon in Capricorn needs to accept that no one can be self-sufficient all of the time. If this isn’t taken on board, they may deny or ignore their own emotional needs and be especially uncomfortable with emotional dependency and leaning on others for support. Sagittarian Moons often have serious, reserved natures and are fearful of any kind of rejection. The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn and it is a difficult position to have due to an inability at times to self-nurture, to let go, and allows others in emotionally; they need to learn how to relax, unwind, and let their playful side out more often.
The Moon in Capricorn is entrepreneurial and enjoys building things up; they are naturals in the business world. Still, they will often need to have full control in order to feel emotionally secure and feel that others will not accept them if they appear ‘weak.’ However, their feelings of loyalty run deep, and they are committed, dependable, and reliable. Yet they are often afraid of their own vulnerability and set high standards for themselves. Being hard task-masters, failure is not an option, and if something does go wrong, they feel like others they have let others down. Capricorns take pride in their work and want recognition for their hard-won accomplishments, but are sometimes too overly aware of public opinion, doing what’s right and fear judgment.
Those with the Moon in Capricorn tend to feel lonely, isolated, and duty-bound at time. In significant relationships, there may be a large age difference or a partner may be chosen because of the need for security and status, but they make excellent partners themselves due to being highly organized and efficient at handling and managing the household. Planets in Capricorn are known to shoulder more than their “fair share” of the workload. However, with considerable strength of character, those with this Moon placement survive most hardships, and their sure-footedness with each and every step takes them towards the hard-won success they deserve.