The Fixations of Scorpio
A Scorpio’s complex psyche is a result of the combination of their watery element and their fixed mode. Emotions, experiences, and feelings are all under the scope of the water element in astrology. Thus, we discover that Scorpio has a tendency to become emotionally rigid and fixated on other people, and as a result, they have a hard time letting go of loved ones. One of this person’s top priorities is keeping in touch with the people they care about, and their feelings are strong and unlikely to shift. When Scorpio is emotionally invested, their devotion, passion, and commitment are most evident in the context of close personal relationships. It’s not uncommon for this person to resort to jealousy and possessive behaviour toward their partners.
To satisfy a Scorpio, a relationship must go to great lengths, both physically and emotionally. For them, the yearning for a true soul mate is a search for the meaning of life. They are capable of a deep and abiding love, and they also have a tendency to be intensely devoted to their significant others. Anyone attempting to understand people with this sort of energy should be aware of the fact that they are master manipulators with an insatiable need to exert power over everything in their sphere of influence, whether it’s other people, circumstances, or ideas. A Scorpio’s strong psychic energy allows them to peer deep into the hearts of all significant relationships, and their innate talent for psychology gives them a unique perspective on human nature. In addition, Scorpio recognises the layered complexity of human beings and is perplexed by the common practise of living only on the surface.
A Scorpio partner can make you feel like you’re the centre of their universe. Since they are unable to connect with others on a lighthearted level, they throw themselves completely into every interaction they have. This person’s feelings are never fake, and they never lack depth, yet when they’re wounded, they choose not to show it. Once the pain of betrayal has been experienced, it is difficult to move on. There is no mercy for a Scorpio, and they have no compassion for their wrongdoers. A lot of the time, they are too proud to apologise, but once they have evened the score, they are willing to move on.
The person will resort to all means necessary to exact revenge on their partner for any perceived slights. Scorpions’ fixed water freezes into rivers, and beneath their cold exteriors are strong emotions like love, hate, exile, loneliness, and fury. The person may have difficulty expressing their feelings and may be sitting on a time bomb of pent-up frustration. Long-simmering resentments, for example, can lead to violent or destructive outbursts, or at the very least, sexually inappropriate or destructive behaviour.
Scorpios have a lot of pent-up energy, and they have the fortitude and ability to persevere through adversity for a longer period of time than other signs. A Scorpio’s inner darkness can ensnare and drag them into a state of misery, unfathomable grief, and agony, especially in the wake of a devastating loss. At a young age, they are exposed to more of the human shadow than they probably should have been. Scorpio, the eighth house, and Pluto all have connections to the notion of fate. When discussing their destinies, Scorpios often say things like, “I feel it in my bones that what was meant to be comes to fruition.”
It’s as if the Scorpio native has some innate wisdom about how everything is cyclical, from birth to death and back again. They feel more at ease discussing themes like judgement, death, and resurrection because it is the ruler of endings and new beginnings in a new and different form. Nonetheless, it is believed that Scorpions have set habits that will be extremely challenging to break over the course of their lifetimes. According to karmic astrology, in order for a Scorpio to reach their full potential, they must first descend into the depths of their own soul. This person has an obsessive personality, with fixations and obsessions. It’s as though the transition can’t occur until Scorpio is trapped in an intense emotional state that draws them deeper and deeper in.