Showing: 1 - 12 of 36 Articles
Water Signs

What Feelings Truly Signify for the Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Water sign individuals, which include Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces in astrology, are often praised for their empathetic and nurturing nature when it comes to handling emotions. What sets them apart is their ability to validate...

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Air Signs Earth Signs Fire Signs Water Signs

The Four Elements: Exploring the Obsession with the Missing Element

Each zodiac sign corresponds to one of the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. These elements are thought to influence various aspects of a person’s personality and behavior. When someone has no planets in...

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Cancer Pisces Scorpio Water Signs

Flowing Through Time: A Deeper Look at Water Signs in the Style of the 1970s

Water is often seen as the primal energy from which life emerged at the beginning of time. It symbolizes the source of all existence, representing the essence of life itself. The idea that life began...

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Air Signs Earth Signs Fire Signs Water Signs

Time-Bending Revelations: How the Four Elements Shape the Past, Present, and Future

The “four functions” are a key idea in the psychological theory of Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung. According to Jung, people perceive and interact with the world via the use of their rational thinking...

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Air Signs Earth Signs Fire Signs Water Signs

Astrology Elements – Fire, Earth, Air and Water: Who Lives in a House Like This?

In the realm of home design, the personality of an individual plays a pivotal role in shaping the environment in which they choose to live. The astrological chart can indicate the energies you manifest in...

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Water Signs

Water Types: Cruel and Narrow Minded in Their Judgements of Friends

Reading Marie-Louise von Franz’s writings on Pscychologiclal Typing drew my attention to this particular topic. While Water-types may be capable of forming moral judgments about others based on their cold behaviour or the impression they...

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