Aries: Selfishness
Even though Aries is a sign associated with being self-centered, the term “selfish” has acquired an immoral connotation, bringing up thoughts of a violent Martian deity for some reason. The image we have of him is that of a bloodthirsty savage, willing to stomp on the progress of others, shoving them aside one by one in order to attain his or her objectives. Often depicted in the imagination as someone who has no regard for other living beings and who has been granted the freedom to “do as he or she pleases,” and who is just interested in self-gratification at the expense of any other consideration. When the sign of Aries and the word selfish are used in the same phrase, it might conjure up images of a thug-like character who is solely concerned with gaining gratification in the short term.
Most individuals aren’t aware of how not being selfish may have a significant negative impact on one’s sense of self-worth and self-confidence. In the dictionary, the exact meaning and definition of the word “selfishness” are as follows: a preoccupation with one’s own interests. However, this does not indicate whether this is a positive or negative development. Altruism, sacrifice, and giving up our hopes and desires for the happiness of others is regarded as “wholly good,” regardless of the possibility that it may arouse hidden resentments in the individual. Aries does not consider a man as a victim, or even as a parasite who relies on others for his survival; rather, the sign sees a man as a self-sufficient individual who frequently survives through his own efforts.
Should we all strive to have the ideals of a person who submits, relinquishing individual authority, renouncing personal desires, and dedicating one’s life to a sick or helpless parent? Of course, caring for someone is often a noble act of sacrifice performed out of a deep sense of love for that person. The argument is that selfishness should not be regarded as a form of unmitigated evil. Aries is frequently derided for being self-centered, egotistical, and uncharitable, among other things. In astrology, FIRE is associated with boundless energy and, most all, with a boundless excitement for enjoying one’s life. In a world filled with significance, one should endeavour to get the most benefit from it. Aries can relate to positive self-assertion as well as a desire to impose their will on others and the surrounding environment.
When someone does not do whatever they want, people use the epithet selfish to manipulate them into doing what they want. A healthy dose of self-interest may be beneficial, especially when it comes from a place of spiritual purity and moral integrity.
Here are various astrologers’ interpretations of the Aries personality:
Aries pooh-poohs the kill-joys around her, but she has to learn to modify her behavior and take part in society if she is not to become an outlaw, For this reason, she often seeks places where she can express her exuberance without stepping on anyone’s toes…At work, she is often best suited as self-employed, or working alone within an organization. Aries have to work at their own pace; few can match their energy or their speed. The Knot of Time: Astrology and Female Experience
Aries rules the first house of the horoscope, symbolizing the individual. The Sun in Aries encourages an outward expression of energy. Therefore it’s very important for Aries to leave its mark on the world. Planets and Possibilities: Explore the World of the Zodiac Beyond Just Your Sign
In actual life, however, each individual becomes the hero of his or her own fairy tale: a tale which symbolizes the unfoldment of his or her spirit, not merely during one incarnation, but throughout the whole cycle of individual evolution. Everyone must eventually earn his magic sword of perfect love which can slay the enemy, fear; and vanquish not only external foes, but those of the innermost self: depression, jealousy and unkindness. Wisdom in the Stars
You look to yourself. Others may depend on a parent, spouse, or Providence to see them through hard times, but not you. You are independent, uncompromising and heroic -traits that are too often in short supply but always in demand. Not only do you rely on yourself, but you assume others will rely on you as well. You even welcome it. The last thing you would ever do is let someone down. You are driven to burst on the scene. You may not know exactly what kind of scene you’re bursting onto (or why you’re there), but that’s beside the point. You will make the most of any opening or opportunity that comes your way. What’s important is that you take action. Ruling Planets: Your Astrological Guide to Life’s Ups and Downs
In accordance with its ruler Mars, the essence of the sign Aries is self-assertion. Especially when the Sun or Mars falls in Aries, the energy drive of the ego pours forth in a glorious flood and there is the urge to express one’s individuality in an active way. The need exists to assert one’s will, to be thoroughly independent, untethered by consideration for any other being. Aries is motivated by a strong urge to take decisions for itself, to assume control and to take action rather than just stand around and hope for the best. The powerful energy drive of this sign demands adequate outlets either in energetic sports, or at least an independent self-determined job or lifestyle which allows it to act on its own initiative. On the other hand, when over-emphasized, the desire to be recognized as strong and forceful can produce the belligerent bully, the ‘macho’ in both sexes, who is constantly on the attack and who can hope for no more than to be feared or shunned. Astrology of Karma (Aquarian astrology handbook)
This sign represents the initial upsurge of individual life; the birth of a separate entity. It is pure self-expression, a raw statement of being, minimally modified by the environment. It expresses itself in a language of survival and manifestation of its essence. Symbolizing the beginning of a cycle, it is the initial thrust of a new direction. Aggression and courage are required so that the individual can break away from the limitations of a past cycle. LIFE CHALLENGE ASTROLOGY – Karmic Indicators in the Birthchart
For Aries, the motto must be “feel the fear and do it anyway.” Always, panic is the demon that guards the gate of the garden. The part of the soul that is defined by Arian energy has reached a point in its evolutionary journey where natural emotions of fear stand between it and the experiences it needs to have. The metaphysical implication is that the part of a person touched by Aries was scalded rather badly in a prior life. Something scared it, and now it’s steeling itself to face the fear in a more warrior-like fashion -to “get back on the horse that threw it.” Skymates
Aries is the first of the fire signs, therefore symbolic of spirit, energy, life force, outgoing power. It is cardinal or critical, therefore significant of the great event of existence, of creation, of a crisis of energy that produces new life out of old….First cosmically. Out of Pisces, which is the limbo of decayed worlds, the scrap heap of former creations, that chaos of disembodied entities, dissolved, disintegrated, lost, the creative fire and shock of Aries, burning away the dross, fusing the remainder into its original elements, makes fresh substance, which is Taurus. Life thrives on the products of death, thus conciliating what had seemed antagonistic. There is hope not only after death, but in the very fact of decay – it is the gate to new life. In order that the new shall be, the old must give place. Creation is half destructive. The builder breaks the ground. The Zodiac: A Life Epitome
The exaltation of the Sun in Aries also gains more meaning when we recognize that the initial association of Aries is not with warfare but the drive towards prosperity and abundance, with the life-giving, death-defying spark not the death bringing flaming spear. Symbols for Women: A Feminist Guide to the Zodiac
In good types the courage and vigor are devoted to sensible and useful ends, and the native may achieve much as a reformer or advocate for the weak. In bad types the native is quarrelsome, “spoils for a fight”, no compromise, and sees only his point of view. The Principles of Astrology
Aries is the Beginning. It is the simple assertion I Am. It does not make this affirmation in any metaphysical spirit. It is far from the fields of metaphysical investigation and theorizing. It is the simple consciousness of existence, and, being Fire, it receives this fact intuitively and not by any pondering upon the self and not-self. Later on, transcendental philosophies may speak of the merging of the soul into the All, of losing the self to win the Self, of the sense of at-one-ness with all things. Nothing is further from the Arietic instinct. It is certain it is a distinct being, not only separate from all else, but not even linked to others at all closely by sympathy or affection. It dislikes all appearances of ties and even its own vocation seeks a job of its own. It is neither specially creative or destructive; it is. Essays on the Foundation of Astrology