Month: March 2016

Mars in the 12th House: Ghost of Mars

The 12th house is a vast ocean of the unconscious, a realm of unresolved debts from past lives. Mars, submerged in the depths of this abyss, finds its action stifled, its aggression turned inward, and its anger fermenting into something…...

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Moon: Loneliness is Louder at Midnight

To some extent, it is what we may cling to for security; what gives us a feeling of rootedness in the world. The Moon describes our whole attitude to the notion of being protected and protecting others. How do we…...

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Sun in Gemini – Unable to Relate Emotionally?

As a sign, Gemini is the one who seems to live in a realm just beyond the grasp of the present moment, forever flitting between thoughts, ideas, and possibilities. It’s no wonder people call them the most ‘mental’ of the…...

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Scorpio: Hatred

The Scorpion’s sting is lethal, unrelenting, and, in many ways, misunderstood. Scorpios have dark depths and intensity, and they simply can’t experience feelings in a casual, surface-level way. They dive headfirst into the abyss of emotion. Love isn’t an easy…...

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Mercury in Gemini: Warning—Conversations May Contain Too Many Topics

Individuals born with Mercury in Gemini possess keen perception, sharp eyes for detail, and a quick ability to evaluate situations objectively. The apparent ease with which they deduce the nature of a situation often baffles outsiders. Their minds process information…...

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Mercury in Cancer: The Intuitive Thinker

With Mercury in Cancer, you get a communication style steeped in nostalgia, intuition, and emotional undercurrents. Thoughts absorb the essence of past experiences. You might find yourself remembering what someone said to you years ago—not only the words, but the…...

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Astrology: A Symbolic Art

A birth chart details the events occurring on the date, time, and place of a person’s birth, and astrology as an art form is made up of symbols, and when they all come together in your birth chart, they produce…...

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Watery Elements: Protective Measures

Cancer—the crab, scuttling sideways through the emotional tides, clutching at the safety of home and hearth, yet burdened by the weight of its own fragile heart. At its best, this sign embodies the longing for connection, the urge to bond…...

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Aspects: Wired That Way

The aspects in astrology are the angular relationships between planets. We are not merely the sum of our Sun sign or a lone ascendant; we are a mosaic of light and shadow, conscious intentions and unconscious impulses, bound together by…...

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Positive and Negative Polarities

In astrology, polarities refer to the fundamental energetic nature of zodiac signs, divided into two main groups: positive (masculine, yang) and negative (feminine, yin). These terms aren’t about gender but rather describe how signs express and interact with energy. Positive-polarity…...

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