Showing: 1 - 12 of 118 Articles
Astrology Research Pluto-Mercury Transits

Under the Bridge: The Astrological Transits During Reena Virk’s Murder – Primarily Pluto’s Transit to Natal Mercury

Under the Bridge (screening on Disney) delves into the tragic story of Reena Virk, a 14-year-old Canadian girl whose murder in 1997 garnered significant media attention and public discourse in Canada. Reena was brutally beaten...

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Astrology Research

The Woman Who Won 27 Million Dollars: Transits Forming a Grand Earth Trine

A stroke of incredible luck! A woman won a staggering £27 million during a rare astrological event. Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, all transiting through earth signs, formed a harmonious grand trine. The potent alignment activated...

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