On a sexual level, Mars-Pluto is a very powerful aspect to have between a couple. They fall in love with unbelievable intensity and are not satisfied until they’ve drained every last drop of passion out of each other. Pluto is…...
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Top 20 Most Popular Posts: Today
Moon Conjunct Pluto Synastry
Moon Trine Pluto: Dancing with Shadows
Mars Square Pluto Natal Aspect: The Unbreakable Spirit
Sun Square Pluto Synastry: You’ve Got That Power Over Me
Mars in Aquarius: Sex drive
Venus Opposite Pluto: The Good, but Mostly the Bad and the Ugly
Composite Sun in the 8th House: Weather the Storm
Sun Trine Pluto Natal Aspect: The Quiet Powerhouse
Transiting Jupiter Conjunct I.C: Let’s Grow Here
Capricorn Season: Why Yes, I Did Work Through My Birthday. Thanks for Asking
Sun Opposite Pluto Natal Aspect
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Venus Conjunct Neptune Synastry: Euphoria and the Aftermath
Pluto in Libra in the 2nd House: Lessons on Self-Worth and Financial Independence
Scorpio Ascendant Man
Venus Square Neptune: Earth Angel, Will You Be Mine?
Moon Trine Jupiter Natal Aspect: Your Happy Place
Mercury Square Saturn: Heavy Thoughts
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