Uranus in the 11th House Quotes: I Am Always an Outsider
Individuals with Uranus here will not usually be drawn to mainstream groups, although they may be drawn to more radical political or New Age groups. While those with Uranus here often believe that it is important to break down barriers that separate people, they may not have the appetite for all the compromising that is necessary to arrive at a group consensus. Depending on the chart overall, they may often find it easy to toe the line or smooth over the cracks which inevitably arise when people come together. Uranus in the Eleventh can sometimes operate too independently to function well as part of a team. Nevertheless, many with Uranus here, in its own house, have an awareness of the notion of one world and can unite with others in pursuit of forwarding humanitarian, progressive or other ideals. Many with Uranus here will be attracted to more eccentric people or to those who are outsiders in some way. Sue Tompkins
Your urge for change and awakening is most likely to manifest itself quite directly in your pursuance of social ideals and collective goals. Friendships and group involvements also act as clear indicators of how well you are on course with your true path in life, as they stimulate your principles through attack or support. Groups of friends can change quite radically as you shift gears and get closer to your ambitions, for the former take a lot longer to achieve than the latter. Freedom and friendship are very important to you, and you promote them. Lyn Birkbeck
Our goals and objectives in life (especially those concerning our sense of belonging to or contributing to society and something larger than ourselves) are likely to be a large part of our lives. Goals must be relevant and not feel too limited and restricting, and we find ourselves with aims and ambitions we never believed would be important to us. New ideologies are discovered and belief systems which challenge or expand our usual ways of looking at life. This may coincide (in true eleventh house fashion) with the discovery of groups or organizations to explore and to find greater involvement and activities. We might align ourselves with Uranian groups: humanitarian or political organizations which promote change in society.
We give thought to social issues, and we ardently feel the need to be involved in these matters. However, groups which are too radical or extreme in their views or purpose could lead us into some difficulties – especially if Uranus in the eleventh is making stressful aspects to the planets in the chart. With Uranus in the eleventh, we have an initial enthusiasm and excitement we feel when we first discover a new organization or direction in life is bound to ebb slightly away after a while. We may discover a group, cause or formula which will be the answer to everything, but if our expectations are too high, ‘inflated’ or unrealistic, we will eventually be disappointed. On the other hand, if we are already involved with a group, we may at some point become disenchanted with how it is run or find ourselves increasingly at odds with the aims it espouses. Other group members may find us too refractory, too challenging, and we end up battling with them over certain principles possibly to the point where we feel the need to break with the group altogether.
Uranus brings disruption wherever it is placed, and in the eleventh this occurs not only in the area of goals and groups, but also in the sphere of friendship. We replace some of our old friends with new ones, whose thinking and ways of life are more in accord with our present way of seeing things. A friend may be the vehicle or catalyst for bringing to us new ideas or insights that alter our life. Provided that we aren’t being highly unrealistic or extreme in our behavior, attitude or choice of groups and friends, we can generally trust the kinds of changes, insights and revelations Uranus brings. Howard Sasportas
Strength: The Peculiar Friend. Seeks the highly individualistic, original, exotic friendship. Has an enriching and stimulating effect on others. Always remains very independent and individualistic. Strictly rejects all friendship rituals. Can’t truly commit to a friendship, but can be a good friend for life of one’s own accord. Seeks free connections with kindred spirits, such as world brotherhoods. Problem Area: Flaky Friend. Eccentric, unpredictable, and unable to make any adaptations in friendship. Completely numb and inconsiderate toward the wishes and standards of a friend. Comes and goes when and as one please. Puts a strain on one’s very frequently changing friends. Hajo Banzhaf
Change or innovation, disruption or epiphany, or the unique, unusual, alternative or odd find their way into matters concerning group activities and any communal/political interests. Quite possibly, a new and significant friend or group will come into your life at some time. This or some other social occurrence, like a seminar or workshop for instance, is in aid of presenting new ideals and aspirations so that you might look ahead or outside of what you regard as ‘normal.’ You are more inclined to side with the radical or different, and this may mean rebelling against, or at least not feeling comfortable with the group you usually mix with. Generally you are invited to refresh your social input and behavior, and any events or upsets are best interpreted as helping this to happen. Lyn Birkbeck
Both 5th and 11th house means of defining identity are valid and necessary. Uranus placed natally in these houses may make it very difficult to experience and define identity in so-called “normal” ways. What are the normal ways by which we define ourselves? We define ourselves by what we have made, or we define ourselves by the group to which we belong, be it intellectual, creative, religious, emotional, racial, or social. But the moment we use a definition which evokes particular responses in others, we are declaring ourselves in relation to “them,” and we have come out of the 5th and into the 11th. Obviously it varies, but we all have group allegiances, to describe where we feel we belong. Uranus in the 5th or 11th, however, tends to say, “Sorry, but you can’t use that group. You can’t use your children to define yourself. You can’t use your artistic talents. You can’t even use an ideology. Even if you think you’re one of them, it doesn’t describe the whole truth about your identity.”
The 11th is, of course, Uranus’ natural house, and the 5th its natural polar opposite. We can come closer to understanding Uranus in general by recognizing that the issues around the 5th and 11th are really Sun-Uranian issues – whether a planet is natally in one of these houses or not.
Audience: Well, I have a feeling all the time, in any group, that I can’t identify with it. I am always an outsider. I can understand this level now. But it was painful as a child, trying to take part in primary school, and always feeling as if I didn’t belong. I have Uranus in Cancer in the 11th, and I suppose I was hoping to feel I had a “family,” at school and later with other groups. But it never happened.
Liz: That is Promethean loneliness.
Audience: On the other hand, now I feel at home, in groups like this one. I think we’re all outsiders here, in some way. I might never see most of the people in this room again, but yet I feel I belong. It has been a long struggle coming to terms with this feeling of not belonging in the usual way. I wouldn’t want to belong anymore, to the kinds of groups I used to try to get accepted by.
Liz: It’s rather like what Groucho Marx once said: “I wouldn’t join any club that would have me as a member.” We normally group together in a concrete way, for recognizable reasons. But Uranus in the 11th may find this kind of grouping difficult, if not impossible. The Uranian group may consist of both human and non-human entities, dead people, people not yet born. It may be based on a vaguely intuited sense of a certain kind of spiritual or intellectual alignment, serving a vaguely intuited evolutionary goal. Specific shared interests may not enter into it, nor may practical reasons or physical proximity. One may not relate at all well to one’s professional group, yet one may feel a special affinity with people scattered all across the world, who do totally different things in life yet who are somehow “aligned” or perceive the same holistic vision.
The other important issue with Uranus in the 11th is friendships. One’s friends often wind up living in countries that are thousands of miles away. The nature of Uranian affinities pays no attention whatsoever to the practical convenience of making friends who live next door. One might not see one’s real friends for many years at a time. Yet the friendships persist, and do not fade with time and distance. They exist on a level altogether different from the “Let’s meet for lunch in town next week” level. The Uranian sense of “group” is not physical in nature. It is a group based on something much subtler, and often denies the possibility of finding such a sense of fellowship near to home. You are virtually commuting from Austria to di the CPA course in London, which seems to reflect a need to pursue group affinities that transcend physical proximity. Liz Greene
With Uranus in the eleventh, you breathe new life into your ultimate goals and ambitions. You make breakthroughs in your evolutionary process, and you are liberated from a vast array of mental concepts, philosophical doctrines, moral principles, vocational callings, and social teachings that explain human existence. The more insight and illumination you gain about your fundamental aspirations, the more powerful, profound, and integrated the rest of your life will be. You are awakened to your social role, within your community and the world. As you are interested in improving society, you contemplate the possibility of humanitarian work and social or cultural reform. You are inspired to build a better future for everyone. You experience the connection between personal happiness and collective well being.
As you gain insights into your ideals and revise your goals and ambitions, you are often compelled to rethink your friendships and group memberships. You may find that your old friends and groups no longer fit in with your new direction. Further, you may simply rebel against the conformity or conservatism of your previous associates. You want to be around exciting, stimulating people. You may associate with unconventional, independent, or high spirited types. Because Uranus often generates events beyond your control, you may lose certain friends, or undergo strange occurrences with friends, for no apparent reasons. Furthermore, Uranus and Aquarius imply strong scientific, metaphysical, occult, and New Age overtones. You may become involved in groups advocating humanitarian or revolutionary progress. You may join dynamic or innovative educational societies. There will be significant personal progress because you are conscious and celebrate in your goals. You enjoy a vibrant, exciting social life. James Braha
Uranus is very much at home in the eleventh house, because it is also the Aquarius house, so its influence will be strong from here. The individual can be extremely friendly, but at the same time he or she will not want to become too close to other people. There is a universality in the outlook, and an abiding need to develop a wide and varied social life which may well vie with the subject’s profession in importance – indeed, it often takes precedence. The Uranus sign will show just how the influence of the eleventh house will be beset expressed. For instance, Uranus in Leo may create a natural chairman ruling the life of a club or society. The unpredictability of Uranus will emerge from time to time, however, and there is a good chance that sudden breaks in ties in friendship or in allegiance to the club or society will occur as a result of the subject’s rapid change of heart. Sometimes, too, the individual will be disruptive on purpose, in order to stir the committee and other members into action, due to a loathing of complacency. Parker’s Astrology
If you have Uranus in the eleventh house you will probably avoid attaching yourself closely to a group unless the group is unusual. Even then, however, you could find yourself looking for excuses to miss meetings or break away from the crowd. You are most comfortable on the periphery, viewing the gathering as an observer rather than a participant. This is the easiest way to objectively evaluate the situation and to maintain your independence. You do not want to blend in so much that no-one notices you because you do not want to be ignored or taken for granted. But, you may not want to be a continual participant. If you feel ignored, you might do or say something outlandish just to express your individuality.
This attitude may be prevalent in social events, clubs, business meetings or other kinds of gatherings. You could remain detached or try to avoid them entirely. You might also find that if you do attend a meeting, or accept an invitation to a party, you have the strong urge to leave soon after you arrive. There are ways to combat the feelings. You could keep flitting around the room. The movement alone should be comfortable for someone who has Uranus in the eleventh house. But, as you move around, you could seek out people whom you think might be mentally stimulating. If you have no idea how to find interesting people, select someone who dresses oddly or for some other reason seems different. You would probably naturally gravitate toward such people anyway, and you may find that you leave the party with new ideas or information, or at least a good story about the strange people you met.
There is still another way you might choose to express your Uranus in the eleventh house. You might select a cause with which you could become involved. It is probably best if you do this on a short-term basis. A long-term project could become boring, and your interest would undoubtedly wane. Then you either experience burn-out or dissatisfaction with the progress being made. That is the time to drop what you are doing and move on to a new cause. If you have committed yourself for a long period of time, it may not be so easy to leave. Therefore, it is simpler to assume short-term obligations in regard to a humanitarian project or cause.
It is possible to stay with a cause indefinitely with the right approach. Make sure that it is clear to all parties involved that your commitment is short-term and you will not feel trapped. Then, as you are approaching the end of your commitment time, you can review how you feel about what you have been doing. If you think it is time to move on you can do that, or you might decide you want to continue and you can reaffirm the same commitment. Should you decide you want to go on, your evaluation might have instilled a renewed excitement within you, or you might have thought of some creative ideas and an innovative approach to the project. Using this approach, you could discover your are more of a joiner than you realized. Joan Negus
You are likely to feel part of a social movement, one which is probably humanitarian, libertarian and attuned to the ideals of world brother and sisterhood, the ‘One Family of Mankind’. If Uranus can be fluently expressed through this place (i.e. harmonious aspects), then you may be open-minded and receptive to the Higher Collective / Universal Mind, intuitively grasping the outpouring of the overshadowing source of progressive seed ideas. In alliance with others, you can determine your social role, which is probably to give a collective voice to reformist ideas, as the whole ‘speaks’ through a unified group consciousness, and reveals its underlying purpose and evolutionary intention to humanity.
Such group involvement, on the inner or outer planes, will be a central factor in your life, offering direction, discipline and meaning. Many of your social friendships will emerge from these group associations. Yet problems can occur if Uranus has challenging aspects, and these can emerge through such relationships or a desire to be highly individualistic to the detriment of a group purpose. The urge for freedom and a questionable degree of commitment can stimulate such problems, which will also reoccur in your more intimate relationships. Sometimes, that degree of impersonality can spoil potentially successful relationships when, in responding to that siren call of ‘freedom’, your commitment collapses and your interest wanes in favour of exploring the new horizons. Also, you may need to guard against supporting irresponsible and impractical beliefs and ideas, which can appeal to that aspect of mental eccentricity that often goes hand in hand with the high Uranian ideologies. Paul Haydn
Individually, when Uranus is in the natal 11th House it emphasizes the individual’s sense of being very different, somehow misplaced, from the peer group that he or she grows up within. This can include the ‘community’ of one’s birthplace. This sense induces a social uneasiness or insecurity that in turn induces a sense of individual insecurity: an awareness of not fitting in. Commonly, such an individual psychologically and behaviorally compensates for this social and individual uneasiness and insecurity by adopting the ways of being determined or manifested by the peer group consensus. This is done in order to fit in, to create a sense of social and individual security by being like everyone else. Typically this individual seeks out a subgroup of individuals, within the total peer group, that are most like him- or herself.
This individual can also seek out, or relocate to, communities of people that seem more like-minded. Within this subgroup, he or she will seek out a few others in order to establish friendships. Because of the behavioral compensation that has set this dynamic and reality in motion, the individual is now dependent on his or her friends, and the immediate subgroup of people that most closely resemble the individual’s own reality, for self-actualization. The person’s overall lifestyle, and the values and beliefs that condition and shape it, is thus determined or influenced by the immediate subgroup within the overall peer group. And yet the individual still feels ‘different’ or displaced, even though the act in compensation has created a circumstantial sense of security and social bonding.
This ’emotional investment’ based on the act of psychological and behavioral compensation thus sets up, or leads to, the inevitable disruptions that can unexpectedly manifest between the individual and those with whom he or she has established friendships. It can lead to disruptions and unexpected problems within the community or group of people that the individual has established a social bonding with. It can progressively lead to an intense feeling or sense of disconnectedness, displacement, or fundamental detachment from the very life (lifestyle) that the individual has adopted through the act of compensation. The temptation to rebel and just walk away from it all can manifest because of this. These disruptions and temptations occur in order for the person to objectively evaluate the nature of his or her overall reality. These cyclic disruptions and temptations thus allow for a progressive deconditioning or liberation from the adopted ways of being that were defined by conditions outside of the individual. Liberation and freedom from the known thus occur when the individual learns to independently define his or her own beliefs, ideas, values, and lifestyle to reflect the essence of his or her inherent individuality. Jeff Green