The 3rd house in astrology plays a pivotal role in shaping various aspects of our lives, primarily centered around communication, early education, and our immediate surroundings. It is closely linked to our experiences during early schooling. It indicates how we engage with formal education, our intellectual capacity, and our approach to learning. A well-aspected 3rd house may suggest a natural aptitude for academics, while challenging aspects might indicate early struggles or unconventional learning methods. This house also reflects our overall attitude towards knowledge. It reveals whether we are naturally curious, open-minded, and eager to expand our mental horizons or if we tend to be more reserved, skeptical, or focused on practical knowledge.

Communication is a central theme of the 3rd house. It governs our ability to express ourselves clearly and effectively. A strong emphasis on this realm often indicates eloquence, persuasive abilities, and ease in connecting with others through verbal and written communication. This house is associated with relationships with siblings and cousins. It can reveal the dynamics between you and your brothers, sisters, or close relatives. Aspects to this house may suggest harmony or challenges in these relationships. Short trips and local travel are also within the domain of this realm. It signifies how comfortable and enjoyable these experiences are for you and how they may impact your life.

The 3rd house encompasses your immediate environment, including your neighborhood and local community. It can describe how you perceive and interact with your surroundings and whether you feel a sense of belonging or detachment. As mentioned, this house rules over all forms of communication, including writing and speaking. It influences your writing style, public speaking abilities, and your overall talent for conveying ideas and information effectively. Beyond verbal and written communication, the 3rd house covers various methods of information exchange, such as digital communication, social media, and other modern means. It reflects how you adapt to and use these tools in your daily life.

Steven Forrest is a professional astrologer from the United States. He is the author of “The Inner Sky,” has a big counselling business in North Carolina, and has written a huge number of publications as well as texts for computerized report writers. He received his degree in religion from the University of North Carolina in 1971 and has maintained an active interest in astrological education ever since, to the point that he now oversees a busy apprenticeship programme for astrology. In addition to being a member of the ISAR Ethics Committee, Steven also serves as the Chair of the Kepler College Advisory Council.

Mars in Aquarius: Strong Ethics

With Mercury and Mars (3rd) both placed in Aquarius, Steven’s mental life is undoubtedly bustling with intellectual activity. Aquarius is known for its innovative and unconventional thinking, and when Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, is in this sign, it suggests a person who is highly intelligent and has a unique approach to problem-solving and information processing. Aquarius is associated with astrology, technology, and social causes, making it a natural fit for someone interested in these areas.

Steven’s involvement in ISAR, an organization that promotes high-quality standards in astrology, aligns well with his Aquarius energy. Aquarius is associated with the pursuit of knowledge and the desire to advance society through innovative ideas and practices. Steven’s participation in such an organization reflects his commitment to upholding the integrity and standards of astrology.

As a Mars in Aquarius individual, Steven likely has high expectations not only for himself but also for the causes he supports, such as astrology. Aquarius is often associated with humanitarian ideals, and the mention of a course on moral awareness in the program suggests that Steven may be deeply committed to ethical considerations in his work and endeavors.