Astrology Game

Here I am, nestled in the cradle of my home, surrounded by the hum of the universe itself. Before me lies the pièce de résistance – the grand astrological playground known as Star Counters. A board fit for the gods, adorned with symbols and signs of the the heavens above. And there I sit, wine in one hand, snack in the other, ready to decipher the astrological enigmas that await.
The zodiac game, called Star Counters, comes with two boxes of astrological questions and a beautifully decorative astrological board to play on. The objective is to travel around the zodiac and collect star crystals, each relating to one of the four elements. If you win, you can journey back home. The questions are both humorous and interesting, offering accurate portrayals of the signs.
A sip of wine, a bite of snack, and I’m off – conjuring the essence of each sign, imagining their quirks, their moves, their words. Will Aries charge in like a ram? Will Gemini flit about like an unpredictable butterfly? The anticipation, my friends, it’s positively electrifying, like waiting for a shooting star to streak across the night sky.
1. A MORI poll has revealed that the British, unlike the Italians, have preferences that come before sex. If you are a ……………………….. what could you consider better than sex?
Aries Scoring from the half-way line
Taurus Discovering a dusty old painting in your loft worth a fortune
Gemini Talking with others about sex
Cancer Discovering that chocolate can help you actually lose weight
Leo A day’s shopping in London with a Gold card
Virgo Making a triple word score at scrabble
Libra Waking up to find that Tourville and Dean did win the Gold
Scorpio Nothing
Sagittarius Out smarting a double-glazing salesman
Capricorn Learning that a relative has left you a ten bedroom mansion
Aquarius Creating the first automatic ironing machine
Pisces Fantasizing about sex
2. You have a Leo friend who gets exasperated by a particular habit of his girlfriend. As she is a …………………. what is that habit likely to be?
Aries Her inability to take advice on anything
Taurus Her jealous disapproval of his social life
Gemini Her constant flirting
Cancer Her unpredictable sulks
Leo Wanting to be noticed more than him!
Virgo Her boring dislike of parties
Libra Her excruciating sweetness
Scorpio Those exasperating silences
Sagittarius Being able to spend money quicker than he!
Capricorn Her unbelievable tightness with money
Aquarius Never remembering important dates like a Leo’s birthday!
Pisces Her melodramatic displays of emotion
3.You’ve just had your birth chart read by a professional astrologer and very little of it sounds right to you. If you are a ……………… how might you respond?
Sagittarius Say you’re glad they’re not in charge of your taxes!
Capricorn Refuse to pay and follow up with a letter of disappointment
Aquarius Ask how it’s all done so you can draw up your own chart
Pisces Wonder whether all this is really good for you
Aries Proclaim your well-known strengths and walk out
Taurus It just confirms your opinion that all new age subjects are a con
Gemini Keep trying different birth times until it sounds right
Cancer Worry whether you’re really that bad
Leo Say it must be someone else’s chart as you’re far more interesting
Virgo Check to see if your birth details have been entered correctly
Libra Try and imagine how it could be true
Scorpio Refuse to pay and threaten an exposure to the press