When the planet Mars transits the mystical realm of the 12th house, it ushers in a period filled with intriguing psychological nuances and valuable lessons for personal growth. This celestial alignment brings forth a sense of secrecy and a penchant…...
When Mars transits the 8th house, the energy turns more powerful, the sex drive is heightened, and your general vibe is expressed with intensity. You could be jealous, obsessive, and possessive, and there is a magnetic intensity about you that…...
When Mars transits through the 4th house in astrology, it triggers a series of energetic and transformative influences within the realm of one’s home and family life. This transit can have a significant impact on your domestic environment and emotional…...
Now is the time to consider fun and exciting experiences, as well as new and different things to try, because doing so will help you feel more alive. Increased social activities, time spent in the great outdoors, and learning about…...
When Mars transits the 1st house, it brings a surge of energy and assertiveness to your life, and its effects are particularly strong during the few weeks when the transit occurs. During this time, you’re likely to feel a noticeable…...
According to Charle’s Carter Mars transits through the houses can describe what action is happening through the weeks as it moves through each house. If you have this placement natally, it’s going to describe the ongoing themes in your life…....
When transiting Mars is sextile or trine your Ascendant this can be a time where you feel more outgoing, confident and gently assertive. You want to make a bolder statement in your appearance and change your self-image and really go…...
I found a rather mushy and lovely note written in a book when I was under the transit of Venus on top of my Neptune. You must take a look and soak in the Venus-Neptune-ness of it all, wondering if…...
When the transit of the Sun trines your natal Moon, it signifies a period of inner tranquility and a heightened sense of harmony within yourself and your surroundings. This celestial alignment creates a powerful connection between your conscious self (Sun)…...
Transiting Mars meeting up with Pluto is the equivalent of a passionate yet turbulent romance. When Mars, the warrior planet of raw drive and assertiveness, forms an aspect with Pluto, the lord of transformation and buried desires, it’s no surprise…...
When Mercury transits Jupiter, you feel intellectually drawn to humor, sage advice, uplifting words. You might think about spiritual issues, and your mind is generally more passionate, filled with vigor, and vision. On this basis, you might offer help to…...
When Mercury transits Uranus, your mind is like an automobile which turns into an airplane or even a rocket lifting off and taking your intellect way above the mundane. You should use your mind in some way as a tool…...