Moon in Taurus

Moon in Taurus: What Nourishes Your Soul?

In astrology, the Moon’s exaltation in Taurus indicates a strong need for stability, comfort, and security in one’s life. You tend to value deep roots and connections, which provide a sense of emotional security and grounding. This connection to roots…...

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Moon in Taurus & Houses 1-12

If the Moon is in Taurus, you have an innate yearning for the security, ease, and opulence that the sign represents. However the lunar influence also means that you require these things on a more psychological level in order to…...

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Moon in Taurus Quotes: You Have Such a Good Time Being Pleased With Life!

You might habitually seek others to provide the Taurean need for attention, pampering, and love by supplying material and sensual comforts. This dependency may create an impression of personal inadequacy in order to induce others into giving you their tangible…...

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Moon in Taurus: Mother Nature

The Moon in Taurus is the embodiment of “stop and smell the roses,” but also, “lie down in a bed of them, wrapped in silk, with a bit of fine chocolate melting on your tongue.” These individuals are  devoted worshippers…...

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