Question: As Pluto transits my 3rd house, I’ve noticed a significant shift in the tone of communications; they’ve taken on a more negative slant. There’s a deepening desire to uncover the truth behind everything, to the point that I’ve lost…...
How Does Pluto’s Transit Through the 4th House Impact Family Dynamics and Concerns about Loss?
Question: Could a Pluto transit through the 4th house introduce the possibility of a family death? The transit of Pluto through the 4th house in astrology is a significant event that can usher in transformative changes, particularly in the realms…...
Question: Okay, I’ve had this really bad feeling recently that my own death is near, and I’ve noticed that it feels even closer when I’m feeling really emotional. Pluto is currently transiting my 8th house, and I was wondering whether…...
Pluto’s transit through the 4th house (crossing the I.C) IS a seismic event in the horoscope that shifts your psychological bedrock, rattles the foundation, and invites you to go in the shadowy underworld of the psyche. This is no superficial…...
Pluto’s transit through the 3rd house of an astrological chart can be a fascinating and complex phenomenon, impacting you on multiple levels. This transit taps into the realm of the mind, communication, learning, and self-expression, making it a dynamic period…...
Pluto’s transit the 2nd house often heralds a phase of transformation concerning financial and material security. This planet, associated with deep change and rebirth, can stir fears of financial instability or even catastrophe. The impact of such a transit is…...
In the realm of psychology and personal growth, neurologist and author Norman Doidge suggests that our subconscious is intricately connected to the people we have loved and lost in the past. As we confront these haunting memories, they lose their…...
Pluto’s transit through the 9th house can bring about profound philosophical realisations and existential crises, and it can last for years. During this time, you may find yourself ruminating on the meaning of life until you blackout from exhaustion, but…...
Pluto’s slow motion implies that you may experience this transit through 3-5 houses, each of which will be exhaustively examined, but most of us will never live to witness it pass through all 12 houses. When Pluto transits through the…...
With transiting Pluto through the 7th house, there are a lot of ominous predictions floating about about what will happen to relationships. Interpretations say that couples will find each other both fascinating and repulsive, and that abduction, kidnapping, and keeping…...
In his book The Gods of Change — Pain, Crisis, and the Transits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, Howard Sasporta’s interpretation of Pluto’s passage through the sixth house describes the tumultuous time you may experience in your work and health…...
When Pluto transits the 5th house in astrology, it marks a significant period of transformation in the realm of personal expression, creativity, and even romance. This transit encourages a deep dive into the core of what makes you unique, urging…...