Pluto’s astrological impact on our lives is like a cosmic wake-up call, shaking us out of our comfort zones and forcing us to face the depths of our souls. It’s like the universe saying, “Hey, time to get real and…...
Unveiling the Truth: Why True Plutonian Women Crime Lovers Don’t Need Serious Trauma Counseling
Last night, my significant other had a good laugh while browsing an article on his phone. Apparently, it claimed that dating someone who has a penchant for true crime is as alarming as a red flag waving in the wind. While…...
Breaking Free from the Chains: A Pluto’s Woman’s Life-Changing Advice Will Liberate Your Soul
Scorpios and Plutonians (Pluto aspecting many planets, on an angle, or Scorpio planets) get a bad rap for being cold and far removed, but this is only half the story; they want deep connection more than any other sign, and…...
Jennifer Lawson lives with rheumatoid arthritis, depression, anxiety, avoidant personality disorder, and mild obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, even with all this to contend with, she is not only surviving but thriving in the way she alchemizes her pain into art and…...
Can Pluto really bring about change and healing? When does this happen, if it happens? Any modern astrological book worth its salt will tell you that Pluto wants you to dust yourself off and come back even more fearsome, wiser,…...
As a Scorpio, you embody a profound understanding of the ever-changing nature of human life. You recognize that as individuals, we are constantly undergoing transformations and shedding our old selves to embrace new growth. Unlike many who fear change, you…...
Question: Pluto, if I’m not mistaken, is linked to transformation of our “lower natures,” or sources of power and desire. My life during Pluto’s transit was chaotic, to say it mildly. Transformative? My life did a complete about-face, or 180,…...
Question: Why is there such a high rate of paranoia in those whose horoscopes reflect prominent aspects of Pluto but not other planets? My personal experience has led me to equate being paranoid with the anxiety and fear that accompany…...
Pluto transits in your chart spend years helping you realign your priorities to build a life focused on doing what you love. Yet you are sleepwalking through your days, senses dulled, spending much of your time paying more attention to…...
Question: What does it mean to have an outer planet conjunct one of the angles of the chart? Whether we think of the energy Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto symbolize a cosmic’ or collective in the Jungian sense – as a…...
Question: I have very significant Pluto aspects in my natal chart. I was abused as a child. I’ve found it hard being at university around young people who are able to be naive and innocent about life, I feel a…...
Question: I am a Plutonian with many personal planets in aspect to the planet Pluto. I tend to experience bad luck dealing with people and relationships and often in a very intense way. Either I stay away for some years…...