The Saturn Return is something you meet at the tender age of about 29. It’s as if Saturn thinks, “You’ve had enough fun. Time to grow up!” It’s a spiritual rite of passage, where all the stuff you’ve been avoiding…...
During this period, the influence of transiting Saturn aspecting your natal Mercury can lead to a shift in your thought patterns, making them somber and more serious than usual. It is during these times that life’s profound complexities and difficult…...
During this period, the realities of your understanding regarding love and relationships are undergoing a profound metamorphosis, shaping and refining your very ideals. It becomes necessary to meticulously scrutinize outdated attitudes and beliefs that no longer serve your growth and…...
Redefine Your Life’s Purpose: Saturn’s Transiting Square on Your Natal Saturn (Lates Thirties)
At this time of your personal development, which typically unfolds during your later thirties, you stand on the precipice of a significant turning point. Life unveils before you a series of challenges that will test the strength and authenticity of…...
The transit of Saturn square to the natal Moon signifies a pivotal period in your life that holds the potential for weighty growth and transformation. This astrological alignment brings forth a heightened sense of responsibility and the necessity for deep…...
Dreams indeed hold a significant place in the realm of psychology, as they offer a unique window into the subconscious mind. They often serve as a canvas on which our deepest fears, desires, and struggles are painted with symbols and…...
Question: As transiting Saturn conjunct with my natal Saturn, I find myself in the midst of a Saturn Return. How might this influence both my life and the people around me? The Saturn Return holds major significance in astrology, marking…...
If transiting Saturn trines Pluto, you may experience either a subtle shift in your life or very obvious and gentle psychological changes as you make an effort to approach the profound, your deeper resources, your passions, and even your whole…...
Neptune’s influence typically fills you with lofty ideals and visions, often making them seem unattainable or disconnected from reality. However, when transiting Saturn’s stabilizing energy interacts with Neptune through a trine, it brings a rare harmony between your dreams and…...
What happens when transiting Saturn forms a trine with its archenemy Uranus? It may mean that you become a realist idealist, someone who is more inclined to stick to your ideals and put your most radical dreams and concepts into…...
When transiting Saturn’s trine to your natal Saturn, it operates like a stabilizing undercurrent, quietly nudging you to engage in deliberate actions that enhance the structure and management of your life. The trine aspect signifies a flowing and supportive connection…...
Transiting Saturn trine your natal Jupiter makes this a very easy aspect and it’s possible to feel that you’ve got everything under control and are making significant strides towards your goals. While this transiting aspect doesn’t immediately and dramatically disrupt…...