Blake Lively’s involvement in the movie It Ends with Us has been met with its fair share of criticism—a storm of opinions swirling around what is a deeply sensitive and complex story. Amidst the backlash...
Saturn Transits
The Second Transiting Saturn Opposite Saturn (Mid Forties)
The Saturn transit opposing your natal Saturn, occurring simultaneously with the Uranus opposition to Uranus, is a powerful astrological configuration often associated with significant life evaluations and transformations, commonly referred to as the “mid-life crisis.”...
Transiting Saturn square Natal Sun: Britney’s Conservatorship
When Saturn transits and aspects the natal Sun in an astrological chart, it marks a period often characterized by increased responsibilities and constraints. This planetary contact can make individuals feel weighed down by life’s demands,...
Transiting Saturn Aspects Venus: The Loneliest Girl in the World
When Saturn transits Venus, it often marks a significant period of evaluation and growth in your personal and romantic life. Saturn, known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, brings about a sobering effect wherever it...
Feeling Emotionally Down? It Might Be Saturn Transiting Your Moon
When Saturn transits the Moon, the emotional climate often becomes more serious and introspective. During this astrological phase, you’ll encounter challenges that test and mature the foundations of your emotional security and personal relationships, albeit...
Transiting Saturn Aspects Neptune: A Psychological Rebirth
When Saturn transits Neptune, it often signifies a period of immense emotional upheaval and transformation. During this time, you may find yourself confronted with the need to reconcile your cherished ideals and fantasies with the...
Saturn Return Stories
Saturn return stories always fascinate me, even though mine occurred well over 15 years ago. I still find myself reflecting on that transformative period. Often, when delving into books or online content where someone recounts …
Saturn Transits Sun: 20 Reflections for Transitory Times
Question: Can you pinpoint 20 potential events that might unfold when Saturn transits your natal sun? Transits of Saturn to the natal Sun throw challenges your way to sculpt your character. Initially, the impact can...
Exploring the Impact of Saturn Transiting the Sun in a List Post
I’m currently working on a list post about Saturn transits to the Sun. I’ll admit that I’m not particularly confident in my ability to make this topic feel fresh, as a lot of it tends …
Facing Saturn’s Test: Sun-Mars’ Heroic Stand
Sun-Mars women possess a magnetic blend of fiery determination and an unyielding spirit that sets them apart in any room they enter. Their personalities are illuminated by the dynamic interplay between the powerful Sun and...
From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Sober at the Saturn Return
The Saturn Return is an astrological event that occurs approximately every 29.5 years when the planet Saturn completes one full orbit around the sun, returning to the same position it held at the time of...
Building a Strong Foundation: Utilizing the Saturn-Mercury Transit to Refine Your Goals
During this period, the influence of transiting Saturn aspecting your natal Mercury can lead to a shift in your thought patterns, making them somber and more serious than usual. It is during these times that...