Now is the moment to reflect deeply upon the foundations you have built for yourself and the judgments you pass should be rooted in your own values, rather than being swayed by the opinions of others. It is within your…...
Saturn transits, with their inherent intrigue, hold a psychological depth that captivates our attention. They not only bring forth increased duty and responsibility but also serve as a catalyst for life-altering choices. These pivotal moments occur approximately every seven years…...
What does it mean when Saturn transits a house versus when it makes an aspect to a natal planet? When Saturn is in transit to a natal planet, it represents the process of defining a particular aspect of one’s personality…...
The Saturn Return, when it occurs, holds significant implications for personal development and self-discovery, often bearing substantial weight. As the planet Saturn completes its orbit around the Sun and returns to the same position it occupied at an individual’s birth,…...
Transiting Saturn Square M.C: The World Right Now Demands Authenticity and Dedication From You
Transits of Saturn to the Midheaven (MC), indeed, mark significant milestones in the evolution of one’s professional trajectory and public persona. Saturn, the planet associated with discipline, responsibility, and challenges, compels us to confront the concrete realities of our life’s…...
Transits, as understood in astrology, refer to the movement of planets as they pass over specific positions in an individual’s birth chart. This forms the basis of interpreting transits, a time-honored astrological technique used for forecasting and gaining insights into…...
Ever had one of those years where it feels like everything goes wrong? It feels like the world is against you and as soon as you manage to pick yourself up from one drama, you immediately get pounded down by…...
At 29, the Saturn Return serves as the first call to adulthood, a time when Saturn returns to its natal position and Uranus forms a sesquiquadrate. This is when many face the stark reality of their choices and start questioning…...
Question: What kinds of occurrences are associated with the transit of Saturn in a square aspect to the Ascendant? When Saturn forms a square aspect to the Ascendant in an astrological chart, it signifies a significant juncture in one’s life…...
Question: Does a transit from Saturn to Venus indicate that a relationship will separate? When Saturn, the wise one of the zodiac, sidles up to Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and sweet indulgence, what does he whisper? “Time for…...
Question: Once I turned 27 and left my ex-husband, I knew I was going to need a year or three to just explore. To figure out who I was without him, to discover what I actually liked and didn’t like…....
Question: My first return (Saturn is in my 7th house) brought me my husband and the most committed relationship of my life. I should say relationships, because ultimately it brought my daughter. Hooking up with him did change my life…...