
Saturn: Becoming SELF Defined

With Saturn’s placement in the chart, it might be hard to ignite a fire – we feel quite dull – like nothing lively, exciting, or spontaneous is going on. Thus, Saturn represents where we may be living life in a…...

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Beneath the Mask: Unraveling Capricorn and Saturn’s Prejudices

The presence of Capricorn or Saturn energy within our astrological chart delves into the depths of our psychological makeup, shaping our decision-making process and our resistance to change, regardless of its magnitude. These individuals find it exceptionally challenging to seek…...

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Saturn: The Perfectionist?

Question: Is Saturn prominent in the charts of perfectionists? It could be said that an individual with a powerful Saturn in the chart has self-perfectionist ways and will often strive towards impossible standards. Some call it perfectionism, but it really…...

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Saturn: 22 Mechanisms of Self-Defence

1. Saturn in the horoscope is where we are highly bound, operating from repetitive patterns that keep us safely away from any threatening situations. This is done by inauthentic ways of expression and the more this behavior is strengthened, real…...

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Saturn: The Gift of Time

Saturn, our butterscotch-colored globe. Saturn's golden glow and ringed beauty. Saturn with its rounded boundaries, orderly rings of icy rock. Saturn is like a jewel in the night sky. The description of the planet itself is always at odds with traditional readings of the malefic god.

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Saturn, within psychological astrology, embodies the archetype of discipline, structure, and limitation. Its influence is akin to that of the wise old man, a mentor figure found in many cultures and stories, who teaches through challenge and restriction. This planetary…

Saturn’s Golden Advice: Bouncing Back from a Tough Fall, Illustrated in GIFs

The meaning of Saturn in astrology is deeply rooted in the planet’s symbolic representation of challenge, discipline, and structure. In this sense, Saturn’s teachings, especially in the context of shaping and ultimately forming something of great significance and substantial weight…...

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Saturn: My Crushing Failure?

Saturn is about finding what we’re most afraid of, and that will be the subject of our life or until our fear changes.  Faced with the enormity of our task and its apparent limitations, there are frustrating moments. Yet we…...

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Saturn: Two Left Feet

In astrology, Saturn serves as a poignant symbol for the trials and tribulations of human existence. It is a planetary realm where, figuratively speaking, we often find ourselves burdened with two left feet—awkward and uncoordinated in our journey through life…....

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Saturn: Summons You to Grow Up

In astrology, Saturn is the karmic accountant keeping an eye on all our spiritual IOUs. There’s no sneaking past Saturn, no charming your way out of life’s necessary lessons with a wink and a grin. This planet says, “Right, enough…...

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Saturn: The Border of the Personality

Saturn is the great regulator of existence, ensuring that we don’t go gallivanting off into realms of possibility until we’ve earned the right, until we’ve demonstrated the necessary patience, self-sufficiency, and—most maddeningly—humility. What’s beautiful about Saturn, though, is that it…...

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Saturn Vs Pluto

Question: Is Saturn the most difficult planet? Pfft…Well, on your chart, Pluto symbolizes death and transformation, urging you to let go of everything you no longer need. What are your thoughts? In traditional astrology and mythology, Pluto was often associated…