When the electrifying Uranus meets the Sun, this transit is an unexpected lightning bolt to the psyche, a rebellious wake-up call urging you to cast off the old identity. The Sun, your core self, is being rewired by Uranus, and…
Under Uranus transits, we’re shaken out of complacency, the rug is pulled out from under our neatly arranged lives, and everything is rearranged. Richard Idemon says that we’re not quite competent in handling these outer planetary energies. They’re exhilarating, terrifying,…...
Transiting Uranus Trine Natal Sun: Are You up for a Refreshing Change of Pace in Your Life?
When transiting Uranus forms a trine with your natal Sun, it typically heralds a period of significant personal change and newfound freedom. Uranus, as a planet, the breaking of boundaries, which can manifest in various aspects of your life during…...
Transits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto and Their Impact on the Sun’s Core Identity
Transits to the Sun in astrology carry great significance, as they symbolize moments that can bring us closer to our true selves. Depending on a person’s age, they may have experienced the transits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto to…...