The tragic and mysterious case of Patricia E. Smith unfolds like a noir novel set against the sweltering backdrop of a 1978 heatwave—a death shrouded in question marks and a missing car. The circumstances are ripe for speculation: she was…...
Kindness, sympathy, the expression of true love and affection, and a high level of emotion, are characteristic. A powerful protective instinct can at times create a claustrophobic atmosphere within a relationship. A tendency to look nostalgically to the past is…...
Eclipses hold a special place in astrology, often viewed as powerful triggers that activate significant events or transitions in one’s life based on their placement in relation to the natal chart. When an eclipse aligns directly with a natal planet,…...
If you obsessively seek the approval of others in social situations, the fear of disapproval may result in holding back your ability to spread sunshine and light. You might feel trapped in self-absorption when you withhold your ability to inspire…...
Venus in Virgo Quotes: There Can Be an Overreaction Against Shyness Producing Loose Living
A person with Venus in Virgo is often extremely romantic, and yearns for perfection in the one he/she loves. These people may put their beloveds on a pedestal and worship them. An image for Venus in Virgo is of a…...
Libra is all about balance; and the Venus in Libra person may have to struggle to find the right balance between a desire to be too accommodating to others and a conscious effort to counteract this by being over-assertive. This…...
You have passionate, profound and controlled emotional responses, and a deep need for love, which must be satisfied according to very high standards. The directness and obvious sincerity of your reactions to social contacts earn respect, while your willingness to…...
You might obsessively value the personal freedom you gain from the power of your philosophical perspectives in relationships. This may lead to withholding your special ability for providing inspiration to other people. When you indulge in the fear of being…...
You might place too much value on your projection to others of being absolutely on top of everything. This may stifle your special ability to exemplify and share awareness of social appropriateness. If you neglect demonstrating such knowledge, you may…...
You might withhold your gift of objective understanding and loving acceptance because of a desire to create more excitement. If so, you may experience a series of shallow, chaotic and scattered encounters. You might use the pretext of universal love…...
The Transit of Pluto Trine the Midheaven – MC: The Role of Fate Changes Your Career for the Better
Question: For this transit, I read that “In your profession, you have a very specific and significant task through a prolonged effort. It can transform every part of your life. Everything that happens will be a reflection of the positive…...
You might lose your sense of self-worth if you withhold sharing your compassion with others. Fears of inadequacy may suppress potential psychic healing ability. The result may be a feeling of helplessness to alleviate the discomforts that affect others. When…...