The Angular Houses

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The angular houses are those that have one of the four angles – ascendant, midheaven, immum coli or descendant on the cusp. The angular houses are houses 1, 4, 7, and 10. They correspond to the signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These are the signs which have one thing in common; they are all cardinal in nature. The Cardinal Mode is known is an “initiating” or leading energy, and these angles/signs create primary experiences. The cardinal signs also mark the change of the seasons. The term cardinal comes from the zodiacal position of these signs (Aries – east, Cancer – south, Libra –west, Capricorn – north). Astrologers believe that if you have many planets in the angular houses, you may display some of the cardinal qualities. In traditional astrology, the angular houses are said to indicate action-orientated events that dominate the life.
According to Demetra George:
In general, traditional astrology interprets the relative angularity of a house as giving a planet its strength to manifest its significations as external events. Planets located in angular houses are usually seen as having the greatest strength. Their activities are totally focused on the life agenda of the native and are likely to indicate dramatic and significant events. Traditional astrologers say these are good houses and their outcomes are likely to be favorable. Thus the significations of planets in the angular houses tend to be much more dramatic and prominent in the life. But why is this? Robert Schmidt, chief translater of the Hellenistic texts published by Project Hindsight, has proposed the following insight based on his interpretation of the meanings of the ancient Greek words used to describe this concept. The proper question, he claims, is: To what extent is the planet able to focus and direct its actions and activities upon the individual. When a planet occupies an angular house, its action is totally centered or focused on the person’s life agenda, and thus angular planets are more effective in getting the business of life accomplished.
The four angular houses represent the four primary areas of life and connect you to the greater world. However, out of all the angular houses, the fourth house is the most hidden, private and secret. Nonetheless, the house of the family home (4th) is a very active area for many people and there are always lots of comings and goings, plenty of activity happening. Marriage and family (4th and 7th) are often two primary areas in any person’s life. The 7th and 10th houses are the most public orientated, and planets in these houses may bring you to the public domain in some way. In fact, astrologers say that many planets in the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses indicate a prominent position in the world. Astrologer Carol Rushman believes that having the nodes in the angular houses is an indication which also bodes well for accomplishement.
I have found that having either the north or south node in the 10th house is favourable for success. Having the nodes in the first and seventh houses seems to be good too. The seventh house talks about patronage, and when a node is there, it can promise lots of clients or business for that person. When the nodes, which are destiny points, are in angular houses, success is meant to be. If a client had the North Node in the tenth, it is his or her destiny to have a great career.
The first house symbolizes the immediate self, and here is where you can see a person’s body language, mannerisms, and approach to life. It shows how you are perceived by others, and how you see yourself. It represents how you view life and describes the social mask you wear. This area of the chart represents the external appearance and physical body and it is also thought to represent the early conditions of a person’s life.
The fourth house represents your roots, family of origin, and shows the foundation of your life. It rules one’s sense of belonging, including family, home, country, tradition, and heritage. It also relates to your inner sense of security and is symbolic of past conditions.
The seventh house represents others and is connected to your partners, associates, and the public in general. This house represents how you relate to others and serves as a mirror that reflects facets of yourself that may be unknown to you.
The tenth house represents your social status and how you contribute to society. It symbolizes your professional image and represents all those in authority.
The four angles are considered to be the main doorways of the astrological chart. Planets making a conjunction with an angle in the horoscope are called “angular” planets and these are said to have a powerful hold over the horoscope. Most astrologers tend to use an orb of up to 8-10 degrees for planets conjunct a house cusp. Any planet on an angle needs to be expressed, and planets placed in these houses are strengthened, whether positively or negatively, depending on the nature of the planet and the aspects formed. Planets on angles exercise the greatest influence over your individual’s life.