The 8th House Astrology: Occult, Magic and Secrets of the Unconscious
As well as ruling over tomb robbers, escaped prisoners, demons, vampires, and wolfmen, the 8th house in astrology also governs secret knowledge, which opens the way to a variety of mysteries, including that of one’s own identity. The term esoteric refers to information that is only available to a limited few, and this is precisely where those who have planets in this sphere feel impelled to go.
This is the domain of parapsychology, occult magic, and the paranormal, which encompasses everything that is a part of the invisible realm, the unseen, and also secrets, all of which may be found in this dark realm.
The 8th house is frequently associated with those who are engrossed in a mystery or who are fascinated by the supernatural. Even in the modern world, discussing mystical matters and having deeper conversations about the riddles of existence is considered an anti-social activity. It is not common to discuss magical things and have deeper conversations about the unknown elements of reality in one’s everyday world of daily living. However, as C.A Libra points out in Astrology: Its Techniques and Ethics, with the 8th house kind of knowledge, it is also purposefully concealed in order to prevent its abuse or degradation, which is why it is intentionally hidden.
The 8th House Astrology: Psychology is Magic
Psychology is sometimes referred to as “magic” since it transforms consciousness and tries to change the substance of the unconscious, which is contaminated by emotional poisons that pollute our sub-conscience. Over the course of history, astrology in combination with psychology has encountered some opposition. As Liz Greene has stated, ‘psychological astrology is not about abandoning astrology in favour of psychotherapy; rather, it is about a way of understanding and reading the symbols of the horoscope that encompasses both inner and outer levels of experience, and points the way to the essential archetypes that underpin both.
The Occult Science. Mysteries. Forbidden knowledge. Life and Evolution
It is also claimed that occult science will be able to unlock the mysteries of life and evolution. It is believed that mankind is not yet able to comprehend these secrets, and those who are aware of them are likewise barred from speaking about them. The persecutions to which individuals engaged were subjected, as explained by C.A. Libra, were additional motivation for this clandestine work, as he recounts in his book. The majority of 8th house keywords are associated with occultism, torment, obsessions, abuse, and destruction. The tormented periods of superstition and terror that resulted in the horrifying deaths of millions of individuals who were mistakenly believed to be witches are remembered.
Darkness and death are mistakenly equated with evil, and the Scorpionic woman finds herself in the middle of all these fears in a society that represses both the unconscious and sublime…She can use the power others give away to her, the charisma and magnetism accumulated from the projection on to her of the mystery and ‘dark forces’ that they fear. This is often Scorpio’s technique for survival, but it increases her loneliness. The Knot of Time: Astrology and Female Experience
Pluto Limits: Unearthing
Pluto is the ruler of the 8th house in the horoscope, and this planet is where our own particular Moira may be found in the chart. It serves as a constant reminder of our limitations. Pluto is in charge of stumbling blocks and excruciating frustration. At the end of the day, getting to the bottom of our own obstacles is extremely tough because they are unknown and operate below the surface of our consciousness. Self-help books encourage us to go back on our upbringing to see if there is anything that is holding us back psychologically, whether it is financially (2nd), in our relationship (7th), or stopping us from achieving our goals. It appears that while dealing with Pluto, there is frequently a limit, and it also appears that one can only achieve a certain amount of success, even though we know that Pluto rules all things without limit.
The act of being thwarted in the pursuit of one’s desire is referred to by Liz Greene as a “wish,” and it can result in rage. It can also be referred to as the death of hope or the abandonment of faith. Even with enormous resolve, the individual believes they will not be able to overcome the situation. Many times, it is regarded as quite demanding and stressful, and yet nothing appears to be happening. The ramifications of reaching our lowest point – our all-time low – are also referred to as our worst moment. Taking us to the bottom of the pit, sending us down to play with our own demons, or flinging us into the depths to meet with our hell hounds, Pluto has the ability to take us to our doom. Over the course of this process, a deep-seated depression may develop, which has the effect of turning one’s view on that particular region completely dark.
Unconscious Possession
Furthermore, we must investigate the self-defeating unconscious messages that lie under the surface and are sabotaging any future progress. Pluto, on the other hand, asks that we evolve beyond our current limitations. These are the ones that have been put in place by the unconscious, which is active on a subterranean level and has great power. What transforms life is the transformation of the feelings that lay beneath the surface, and a large part of what restricts us is our own self-beliefs. Blockages occur when we believe we are unworthy, unsightly, and useless, and we believe we will amount to little in life, among other things. These kind of messages are virtually typically delivered to us as children.
To summarise, the 8th house is the unconscious, its metamorphosis, and its regeneration (secret knowledge). This entails the continuation of the life-death-rebirth cycle into a higher level of consciousness.
One may make some educated guesses as to the nature of the repressed ‘wishes’ of Pluto, as well as the very good reasons for the ‘simultaneous inhibition’ which blocks their entry into conscious life…The are too violent, too vengeful, too bloodthirsty, too primitive and too hot for the average individual to feel much comfort or safety in their intrusion. Along with ‘wishes’ may be included memories, experiences of great emotional intensity which are forgotten along with their objects. Thus large slices of childhood fall beneath the censor’s knife – those slices which reveal the savage face of the young animal struggling for self-gratification and survival. Astrology of Fate
Where the Real Magic Happens
The true secret magic that exists inside the Scorpio, Pluto, and 8th house archetypal regions of the chart may be about unlocking the unconscious, which may necessitate a journey of self-analysis and empowerment on the part of the individual. The alluring part of the occult is that it is concerned with unveiling a wisdom that has been kept concealed under the surface for much too long.
Confronted with Pluto, we meet our abhorrent compulsions: the impossible repetitive patterns of struggling with something only to meet it again and again…If these things really do change, they do so only through fire. The ruling values and the belief systems of the ego must die first. Astrology of Fate