Showing: 1 - 12 of 20 Articles
Major Aspects & Aspect Patterns

What Is the Difference Between the Conjunction and Opposition?

Question: What is the difference between the conjunction and opposition? On this topic, there are opposing views (no pun intended). Some astrologers say that these aspects are VERY different: “The conjunction is quite dissimilar from...

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Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius Quotes: You Are Magnetically Attractive – But Send Out Signals Suggesting You Are Cool and Distant and Don’t Want the Rest of Us to Come Too Close

You may feel afraid that any intimate relationship might put you in a vulnerable position where unexpected emotional rejection could be experienced. To avoid this, you may create emotional drama that ensures others will stay...

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Aquarius Quotes: Let Her Know That You Are on Her Side When It Comes to Bucking Tradition and Caring for the Underdog

For some reason, Aquarians don’t fit into the expectations of the family or the environment, and they grow up feeling there is some mysterious plastic wall between them and the rest of the neighborhood. This...

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Neptune’s Audio

I’ve added some extra information to these posts along with audio so you can grab some tea or coffee and have a listen.