Showing: 1 - 12 of 21 Articles
Neptune-Moon Transits

Neptune Transits Moon: You Might Be as Enchanted by a Spiritual Doctrine of Some Kind as You Could Be by a Lover

During a transit of Neptune to the Moon, the celestial alignment creates a unique and enchanting emotional experience for those influenced by its cosmic energy. This astral event has the potential to cast a mesmerizing...

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Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn Quotes: These Women View Maturity and Wisdom as Desirable Qualities – So Are Less Likely Than Others to Dread Growing Older

You might place too much value on your projection to others of being absolutely on top of everything. This may stifle your special ability to exemplify and share awareness of social appropriateness. If you neglect...

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Major Transitions in the Human Life Cycle

Important Transit Notes: Transits to the Sun or Moon affect the core of life and the internal world significantly. Arguably, the Sun and the Moon—the two luminaries—represent the most significant components of the natal chart. In psychological astrology, the...

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Pluto Transits

The Transit of Pluto Trine the Midheaven – MC: The Role of Fate Changes Your Career for the Better

Question: For this transit, I read that “In your profession, you have a very specific and significant task through a prolonged effort. It can transform every part of your life. Everything that happens will be...

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Chiron-Moon Transits

Transiting Chiron to Moon Aspect: The Acceptance of Pain and Emotional Growth

During a Chiron-Moon transit, one finds themselves in a profound period of healing and personal growth. This transformative journey delves into the depths of emotional wounds and the intricate process of addressing, accepting, and integrating...

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Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Aries Quotes: Your Perceptive Qualities Are Vey Much Alive!

When you fear losing the visible impact of direct and authoritative communication, you cease to communicate successfully with others. You may have a tendency to speak in ways that appear aggressive, overbearing, and almost militant...

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