Question: Is the Moon in Cancer the most insecure place for it, and does the fact that the Moon rules Cancer make this quality even stronger? The Moon, residing comfortably in its own sign of Cancer, can be a bit…...
This position of the Ascending Node (Dragon’s Tail) in the Twelfth House, though not very fortunate, nevertheless brings relief in trouble. It gives Faith, and enables the native to convince himself that all is not lost. He will have to…...
Question: Why is there such a high rate of paranoia in those whose horoscopes reflect prominent aspects of Pluto but not other planets? My personal experience has led me to equate being paranoid with the anxiety and fear that accompany…...
Question: Is it true that persons with the Sun in trine to Pluto don’t have to cope with any Pluto-related suffering or problems, and that they have it easy? People with Sun trine Pluto quickly get rid of and…...
When it comes to our weaker elements, hidden aspects, or unconscious, reading about them may often be quite entertaining. Sometimes the interpretations for the lack of an element or your inferior function can be a bit rude, as if you…...
In the intricate dance of the solar systym, there exists a profound connection between the radiant Sun and the enigmatic Moon. When their celestial paths align harmoniously, a profound sense of ease permeates the very essence of your being, giving…...
Question: Is it accurate to claim that an individual whose natal chart lacks trines and is predominantly comprised of squares and oppositions faces insurmountable challenges, persistent personal issues, and is doomed to a life devoid of success, happiness, or any…...
Your energy levels are all high. Your energy type is primarily physical, raw and spontaneous. Your energy is often channeled into leading, starting things, and pioneering. You are courageous, independent and enterprising. You lack humility, patience and self-control. This…...
Mars in Taurus: Women With This Planetary Placement Might Be Attracted to Teddy Bearlike Men
You have high-to-adequate practical and emotional energies, but low mental and physical energies. Your energy is stable, controlled and persistent. If is often channeled into keeping things as they are, building (both literal and figurative types), and accumulating things…....
Mars in the sign Gemini indicates mental activity and aggressiveness. Those with this Mars position have active and critical minds, and as a rule engineering and mechanical skill. Â This position gives a love of debate and intellectual contest…....
“You have a lot of vitality to put into your emotions, and you exude a vibe that is primarily empathetic, delicate, and emotive. It is usually directed toward protecting yourself, showing loyalty, and domestic activities. You have strong caring abilities,…...
You have high physical energies, adequate practical and mental energies, and adequate-to-low emotional energies. Your energy is confident, exuberant and dramatic. It is often channeled into getting others to do what you want, being in charge, and entertaining. Your strengths…...