Stellar Dialogues: The Astrological Aspects
“The Astrological Aspects” by none other than Charles Carter, back in 1930, can you believe it? It is practically a century ago! I bought this used book, right? And let me tell you, it’s like a relic from the past, falling apart like a bad relationship, but that’s part of the charm, isn’t it? You can almost feel the history seeping through the raggedy pages, like the universe’s own little time capsule. The previous owner, they’ve left their mark, quite literally. They’ve highlighted bits and bobs, scribbled study notes all over the place. It’s like a time-traveling conversation between souls who’ve been pondering the cosmos. Can you feel the energy? It’s electric!
Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – Pluto, or should I say, the lack thereof. Pluto wasn’t even on the astrological scene when this book dropped! Can you believe it? It’s like writing a cookbook without knowing about chocolate – a real blind spot. But you know what? That doesn’t make it any less legit.
The preface of the book provides an insightful window into Carter’s intentions and mindset. Here, he lays the foundation for his exploration, setting the stage for the reader’s journey into the world of astrology. His words, although written decades ago, continue to resonate, offering a glimpse into the thoughts of a dedicated astrologer who felt the need to share his insights with the world.
When we seek to determine the probable external form of aspects in the affairs of life, we meet yet greater variation. What is more absurd to suppose that the same aspect will manifest in the way in the case of a convict serving a life sentence, a millionaire financier, a Bohemian artist, or a soldier on active service? However, while realizing these difficulties to the full, I have tried to make a book that will contain something both new and useful.
When we’re delving into astrological aspects, we have got to remember one thing: We just can’t be certain. We have to factor in the person’s whole scene, their surroundings and life’s twists and turns. What truly sets Carter’s work apart is its unique approach to analyzing astrological aspects. In an era where comprehensive astrological guides tend to cover aspects as a whole, Carter’s book dissected them individually. Each key aspect—the harmonious soft aspects like sextiles and trines, as well as the challenging hard contacts of squares and oppositions—receives its own dedicated chapter.
Let’s talk Sun conjunct Moon, shall we? The study buddy before us highlighted some real key points. This aspect’s like putting all your consciousness in one place—focus on the house the planets are situated, and we’ve got our main area. It’s where our focus is laser-locked on whatever area of our life these Lights decide to occupy.
Sun conjunct Moon: It can scarcely, of itself, tend to breadth of outlook or adaptability, for the interests will naturally incline to centre on matters of the house that is occupied and the character will be heavily marked with the sign in which the Lights are….eggs are all in one basket…..some degree of self-will and stubbornness…a little vanity and self-opinionated.
Carter isn’t merely offering a steady diet of sunshine and rainbows in this book; his interpretations can be quite heavy at times. However, that’s the beauty of astrology. Now, let’s dive into another astrological excerpt that our reading partner highlighted, a bit about Marilyn Monroe’s natal aspect. The Moon in aspect with Neptune. Carter paints a picture of a warm and affable character, yet he also suggests that individuals with this connection may experience an emotional journey akin to a rollercoaster, taking them through the highest highs and the deepest lows. A potential to be deceived, to dance on the edge of disillusionment? It’s like Carter cracked open the Pandora’s box of Marilyn’s soul. But wait for it—there’s more. Complications with the other sex? Oh, you better believe it. And what’s that? Scandal? Yes, that’s thrown into the mix too, like a deadly cocktail of drama. The Moon-Neptune pairing harbors an insatiable yearning for perfection that persists unrelentingly. It’s an almost torturous pursuit, akin to chasing a dream that eludes our grasp. Moreover, within this aspect lies a propensity to become ensnared in intrigue, as if caught within a web of mystery. Furthermore, they must be wary of something else —spiritual practices. Yes, that’s right. The veil between this world and the next? It’s a bit thinner for these souls. Obsession with the hereafter?
Moon-Neptune Aspect: A kindly easy going character…..probability of complications with the other sex, and probably scandal…An inability to rest satisfied with anything short of perfection is a common and a tormenting condition….tendency to intrigue…..short cuts and get quick rich methods…..women have high emotional tension…..a distinct liability to be deceived by others and to suffer various forms of disillusion….In the case of men one or other of the parents is often of a harsh type….The tendency to resort to spiritualistic practices…….sometimes to cause the native to be obsessed by thoughts of the hereafter.