At this time of your personal development, which typically unfolds during your later thirties, you stand on the precipice of a significant turning point. Life unveils before you a series of challenges that will test the strength and authenticity of…
This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only.
Important changes and turning points in our life are referred to as "transits" in astrological jargon. Transitioning from a known and comfortable environment into one that is unfamiliar and challenging is what a planetary transit symbolises. Almost every change compels us to take stock of our priorities and reconsider the…
In "Transits"
I'm currently working on a list post about Saturn transits to the Sun. I'll admit that I'm not particularly confident in my ability to make this topic feel fresh, as a lot of it tends to cover similar ground. My Saturn list might not be the second coming, but it…
In "Saturn Transits"
Saturn transits, with their inherent intrigue, hold a psychological depth that captivates our attention. They not only bring forth increased duty and responsibility but also serve as a catalyst for life-altering choices. These pivotal moments occur approximately every seven years after birth when Saturn aspects its own position in the…
In "Saturn Transits"