The Hidden Forces: Exploring America’s Birth Chart through Mercury-Pluto
In “Nostradamus: The Millennium and Beyond,” Liz Greene dives into the astrological symbolism hidden within Nostradamus’ prophecies. By deciphering these enigmatic verses, Greene unveils profound astrological insights. These insights shed light on the fates of nations and the grand currents shaping global history. A particularly intriguing aspect of her analysis is the examination of America’s natal chart, specifically the transformative influence of the Mercury-Pluto connection.
This astrological aspect unlocks the hidden chambers of the American psyche, revealing the less visible anxieties and unresolved historical threads woven into the nation’s collective soul. Mercury is the planet of communication and ideas, while Pluto is about deep change and hidden truths. This opposition creates a kind of tension in the United States. On the one hand, Americans are curious and always looking for new knowledge. On the other hand, the country is often confronted with big issues from its past that can be hard to face.
The enduring influence of the Mercury-Pluto aspect in the USA’s birth chart speaks volumes about the nation’s capacity for transformation. It signifies an ability to unearth long-buried truths, like the legacy of slavery or the ongoing fight for racial equality. This highlights the national aptitude for self-examination, a willingness to confront uncomfortable realities in pursuit of societal progress. The intense friction between Mercury’s pursuit of knowledge and Pluto’s relentless drive for change creates a fertile ground for both revolutionary breakthroughs and destructive upheavals. As America grapples with complex issues like income inequality or technological advancements that challenge privacy, understanding this astrological influence allows for a deeper exploration of the collective consciousness that shapes the nation’s path.
At its core, this Mercury-Pluto opposition serves as a mirror reflecting the power struggles that have colored America’s historical landscape. This influence also speaks to America’s strengths. It highlights the nation’s curiosity, its willingness to look inward, and its potential for incredible change. Think of it as a double-edged sword. America is constantly seeking knowledge and innovation, but this can also lead to dramatic shifts, especially in how they communicate, learn, and express themselves. The compass guiding America’s journey holds a surprising secret: the influence of Mercury and Pluto intertwined in its birth chart. It reveals a history filled with power struggles, major changes in how society thinks, and constant battles between different ideas. These echoes from the past continue to influence America’s laws, its debates, and even its core identity.
The Mercury-Pluto aspect demands we shine a light into the depths of the national psyche, urging us to confront the darker chapters of history that often remain hidden. It compels America to look at some uncomfortable truths and address the multifaceted realities of its past. It’s an invitation to confront the unhealed wounds that have lingered beneath the surface. It’s a constant reminder that progress and growth rest on a foundation that includes unresolved conflicts, injustices, and its unresolved historical issues.
According to Dane Rudhyar’s chart of America: Perhaps one of the most significant aspects within the birth chart of the USA with which we can make some judgement about the future is the Mercury and Pluto opposition. This configuration within an individual’s natal chart signifies a most interesting potential character. Seen as a characteristic of a nation, it would illustrate well, on the positive side, great subtlety, an interest in the invisible or hidden sides of life – such as concern in America for psychoanalysis, spiritualism, and religious cults. America was the first country to conduct reputable experiments in parapsychology. This along with an ability to penetrate to the truth and recognize the lies of others. On the negative side, it can reflect obsessive secrecy, deceptiveness, and undercover dealings. It’s one of the astrological placements that can (not necessarily will) produce a superb liar. As a national characteristic, it has its good points, one is a willingness to explore the world of the psyche. Other countries such as the United Kingdom and France, seem reluctant to do this. In the UK, even C.G Jung is not taught within university curriculum, except within the religious departments. In America, it is possible to acquire a degree in mythology and there are even discussions on the “West Coast” of starting astrology courses within universities because interest in these hidden aspects of life is not considered “weird”. An area of a negative aspect of Mercury-Pluto opposition is corruption in economic dealings in the form of secrecy. The amassing of wealth appears an immoral or unethical activity. Ironically, Americans see themselves as open, honest and frank in all areas of life. They criticize the British for being withdrawn, lacking in expression of their emotions, and non-communicative. Yet beneath the surface of apparent extroversion, Americans can sometimes be private about their inner lives. This is supported by a Mercury-Pluto opposition from Cancer to Capricorn in the American natal chart, which is a specific configuration that reflects a collective difficulty in expressing thoughts and feelings, and communication which appears to be open but conceals a great deal. The ubiquitous use of jargon, “buzz” and slang words, and “politically correct” expressions all reflect this kind of evasion. This is a general trend rather than a personal failing and suggests things are never quite as they appear to be, especially how America as a whole expresses itself to other countries, and in the way the government presents itself to the people. This enigmatic characteristic is typical in individuals of the Mercury-Pluto aspect. We saw this aspect most readily within the 1992 presidential election in which everyone seemed on the surface to be so enthusiastic, flag-waving and excited. But at the same time, there were rumors of numerous “dirty tricks” to discredit the candidates. This can be seen as a style of communication within the natal chart, even a congenital condition, of putting things away obliquely. This is part of the American way. Liz Greene