
The Evolving Ascendant

The older and more traditional perspectives on the ascendant reflect a somewhat narrow understanding, predominantly viewing it as a facade or superficial layer of an individual’s personality, observable by others.  Nowadays, the Ascendant is often seen as more than just…...

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The Ascendant: Ever Wonder Why You Keep Attracting the Same Drama, the Same Vibes, or the Same Kind of People?

In astrology, the ascendant, also known as the rising sign, holds major psychological implications, serving as the symbolic boundary between our inner and outer worlds. It marks the cusp of the first house and is considered the doorway through which…...

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Natal Jupiter Square Ascendant: Integrating Inner Beliefs and Outer Presentation

If Jupiter is square to the ascendant in your birth chart, it suggests that there will be ongoing challenges and opportunities for growth in how you express yourself and interact with the external world. In astrology, Jupiter is often considered the…...

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Uranus Trine Ascendant: A Sky-Altering Journey

Uranus trine the Ascendant suggests you give off the kind of liberated ease that many people spend years trying to cultivate. You’re free. Not the “I’ve-got-the-weekend-off” kind of free, but an existential, soul-deep freedom that lets you be delightfully, irrepressibly…...

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Neptune Sextile Ascendant: A Gentle Neptunian Vibe

Neptune’s sextile to the ascendant is like a gentle sea breeze that caresses your soul and offers a harmonious connection between various facets of your being. This celestial alignment weaves together your aspirations, desires, emotions, and spirituality, creating a sense…...

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The Ascendant Sign: Don’t Blow my Cover!

Question: I frequently see people downplaying the ascendant and its relevance in a chart. It’s sometimes referred to as a mask, a superficial layer that someone throws on when you first meet them. I’ve even seen some claim that this…...

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Thank God for the Ascendant

The ascendant, also known as the rising sign, plays an important role in astrology as it sets the stage for the entire birth chart. Represented by the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of one’s…...

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