Question: What would you predict from someone’s romantic life if their 7th house was empty? 1) Single Forever 2) Marries several times 3) It doesn’t matter because it depends on the rest of the chart Lana Turner had eight marriages…...
Question: Is it true that the 12th house always shows your “secret enemies”? The things you haven’t properly dealt with over the years, your complexes, or your own subconscious, are your true enemies. It is thought that our greatest sin…...
Question: I thought the 4th house only had to do with your early upbringing and your home life, and that it made you more of a “stay at home” type of person who is introverted. I recently read that this…...
I have often had the thought that my Venus in the house of the Sun (5th) projects out more than what is implied in astrological textbooks. However, this could be because this planet trines my Taurean Midheaven, which, as Liz…...
Question: Traditionally, it’s believed that planets placed in Cadent houses are considered to be in a state of diminished influence, often termed “accidentally debilitated.” However, this generalization doesn’t apply to the natural rulers of these houses: Mercury in the 3rd…...
Question: What would you say about planets in the 8th house? The 8th house—what a mystical cauldron of power, transformation, and, let’s be honest, a sprinkle of chaos. It’s the house that rules over all those things we secretly dread…...
Question: The 8th House, situated in the zodiac division, is distinctively marked by its malevolent and harsh qualities. It carries an ominous undertone in the chart, suggesting a propensity for negativity unless formidable counteracting forces can alleviate its inherent implications…....
With challenging placements in the 12th house, you are meant to deal with the wounds of your ancestors. And while this all sounds very ghostly and out of this world (your own wounds are hard enough work), it has been…...
Question: When the Moon is in the 11th house, close to the 12th, can that be interpreted as if the Moon were in the 12th house? In astrology, the relationship between planets and houses offers intriguing insights into our lives…....
In the case of many planets in this part of the chart, your view of life is colored and very varied. With a greater variety of faces to wear, sometimes it might seem as if you’re wearing them all at…...
If there’s an emphasis of planets in the Water Houses, you know that you’re a person who is very much motivated by yearnings, very deep, unconscious needs and desires, so deep that it may be difficult for you to know…...
The 8th house in astrology is often considered one of the most profound and intense areas of the horoscope, delving into the mysteries of the unconscious mind and exploring themes of transformation, death, and rebirth. When a planet is in…...