With the Sun in transit to Mars, it symbolizes a couple of days in which to assert yourself, and this could be when you feel you are right on something. It is harder at these periods to be able to…...
When the transit of Mercury forms an aspect with your natal Neptune, a profound psychological transformation takes place. Rational thoughts and limitations dissipate, making room for a heightened sense of imagination and a receptive state to the spirit of inspiration…....
The astrological transit of Venus trine Venus is considered one of the most harmonious and pleasurable alignments. During this period, you might find yourself more appreciative of the arts, comfort, and peace. It’s a time when life seems to be…...
When Venus transits Saturn in a challenging aspect, typical psychological issues that arise on this level are questions about whether you are good enough, lovable or beautiful. Everybody does this to some degree. We all have those days, even supermodels…....
When transiting Venus forms an aspect to your natal Neptune, it’s as if a mystical and enchanting veil is cast upon your emotions and your approach to love and relationships. This cosmic alignment encourages you to immerse yourself in a…...
When Venus transits Uranus, there is a strong attraction to people, movies, art, and music that is out of the ordinary. In your regular life, things that are out of the norm might come up to meet you and can…...
Jupiter is the planet of high spirits. The politician William Bennet once likened such spiritual heights and happiness to a cat: If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you; it will never come. But if…...
Under the transit of the Sun trine natal Neptune, you can have a couple of truly enchanting days. This astrological aspect brings forth an energy that can only be described as blissful, hazy, and profoundly peaceful. Imagine a world where…...
When Mercury transits Pluto, it can mean dealing with lots of material in the mental stash and having a purge, and so you decide what’s worth keeping and remembering and what needs to go for good. Otherwise, you’ll likely remain…...
Let’s get this conversation started! When Mercury and Mars make an aspect in your transit chart, you are more interested in communication, more curious about new ideas, and have a strong desire to learn. Although this may not be the…...
When Venus transits Chiron, it brings up painful issues around your sense of self-worth. Such movements are very similar to Venus-Saturn transits but these have a more of a nothing you can do about it tone. People have human flaws…...
When Venus transits natal Jupiter, the celestial dance between these two planets creates an aura of opulence, abundance, and enjoyment. It’s as if the universe is showering you with a touch of extravagance and the indulgence of life’s pleasures. During…...