The Watery Depths: Water Element/Moon-Neptune/Moon-Pluto

Question: I’m tired of being an emotional person (water planets & watery aspects), nobody has time for crybabies and moody people. I’m tired of my emotions because they ruin my days and my relationships. Being upset hurts my body. Being upset makes me unattractive. Any thoughts? The element of water can be so beautiful and...

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Love in the Stars: Scorpio

Question: Is it wrong to wish to have a Scorpio man? I need passion and intensity. Where are all the Scorpio men? I want to be swept off my feet and chased! I want to feel those primal passions and energy and feel those stomach churning butterflies every time I see him. But they always...

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Scorpio: The Servant of Satan?

Question: Is Scorpio’s sign associated with satan? The intrigue surrounding Scorpios persist, fueled by a blend of morbid fascination and trepidation ingrained in the collective consciousness. This enigmatic sign, symbolized by the Scorpion with its potent sting, continues to capture the imagination of the general public. However, the perception of Scorpios as dark, sinister figures...

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Scorpio-Sagittarius: Dark to Light

Scorpio, if you’re reading this: who let you in? In any case, a no-trespassing sign only summons your rebellious blood. If someone gets on your bad side, you become the zodiac’s pit terrier, and the saying “revenge is a dish best-served cold” describes you perfectly. It’s common knowledge that when someone wrongs you, you give them...

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A Book for Scorpio: How to Tell If Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You

I picked the purrfect book for Scorpio, How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You. It’s a real claw-some read! This feline is just as evil and sarcastic as a Scorpio, and in the humorous cartoons, the villainous cat conducts a vulnerability evaluation, uses its litter as a practise for burying bodies,...

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Seducing Scorpio

Question:Are there any conversation starters or ways to engage with a Scorpio woman that you would recommend? A Scorpio woman possesses a mesmerizing charm and an uncanny ability to read people with an almost supernatural precision. Her penetrating eyes seem to delve into the depths of one’s soul, leaving a man feeling exposed and vulnerable,...

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Scorpio: The Most Dangerous Sign

Question: Is Scorpio the most dangerous sign? The most misunderstood sign more like it! The headlines scream as Scorpio colonies sink teeth in the city. They claim thousands of black creatures ♇ are invading and attacking citizens of the world. Millions of Scorpions moving into deep crevices beneath the earth. They walk around in a simmering,...

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The Scorpio Teenager

Think I am sarcastic? Watch me pretend to care! As a Scorpio teenager, you’re sarcastic. Sarcasm is a natural reaction when the privacy of your soul is intrusively invaded by fake people. You convey contempt and your hatred is entrenched, you nourish it daily. In teenybopper movies, we tend to love the ongoing commentary and witticism...

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The Astrology of Cats and One Dog

The Aries cat, with its energetic and curious nature, embodies the essence of the zodiac sign. It thrives on exploration and adventure, eagerly pouncing on anything new and untried. This characteristic mirrors the Arian’ personality, as they too have an innate desire to venture into the unknown and take on new challenges. In Isabel Hickey’s … Read moreThe Astrology of Cats and One Dog

Pin-up Girls of the Zodiac

Whilst on Pinterest I found some interesting and colourful toons of lovely glamour ladies. As I was looking at the pictures, the zodiac signs began forming in my mind. Therefore, you have 12 Calender girls for every month. Transiting Venus is conjunct my Mars right now, and so it has been decided that it is … Read morePin-up Girls of the Zodiac

Vintage Astrology

Mars, the planet of war and conflict, rules Aries. This should serve as a warning that this is not the type of person to provoke, as they will respond swiftly each time they are wronged. An Arian is a passionate, self-centered, and often brash individual. According to Charles Carter, people of this personality type don’t … Read moreVintage Astrology