Sun-Pluto Aspect

Sun-Pluto: Life With a Powerful Man

A Sun-pluto woman is often drawn to a powerful man that is extremely determined in what he does. A Plutonian woman interprets him, in my opinion, as really sexy. One of the true draws is the magnetism of a man…...

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Sun-Pluto: Transform Your Life

Question: What is the finest piece of advise you can provide to Sun-Pluto when it comes to coping with life? As a human being, you are governed by an intrinsic driving force that dictates your course through life. This is…...

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Sun-Pluto: The Jealous Man

You’ve allowed your relationship to sap your strength (Sun) because you’ve given all your power (Pluto) over to your lover. This man could be shining a light on unresolved issues resulting from an earlier power struggle that needs to be…...

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Sun-Pluto: The Ugly Truth

Question: How are people with Sun-Pluto like? There is an expression, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” Sun-Pluto disagrees. For them, what they don’t know (but suspect) can hurt them–to the point of obsession. It hurts to need to…...

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Sun-Pluto: The Dark Tunnel

When the Sun aspects Pluto in an individual’s birth chart, it introduces a powerful and often challenging interplay between the need for self-expression and a compulsion for transformation. The Sun, representing one’s core identity, purpose, and vitality, encounters Pluto’s intense…...

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Sun-Pluto: The Secret to Life

The soul’s energy, particularly when influenced by the celestial alignment of the Sun and Pluto, delves into the realm of astrology and mysticism, offering a fascinating perspective on the human psyche and personal growth. It suggests that there is more…...

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Sun-Pluto: Sorcery

It is stated that a person whose Sun is in aspect to Pluto has several lives crammed into one, and their personality as a youngster is vastly different from that as a teenager, and can even undergo a remarkable transformation…...

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Sun – Pluto Invisibility

Question: I have Sun in square to Pluto natally. Why do I suffer from this feeling of being invisible and feel like hell most of the time? Having the Sun square Pluto in your natal chart is akin to living…...

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