Power and transformation enter your life via your creative means of expression or romantic involvements. With the former, artwork, hobbies or drama can be quite heavy, death-defying or macabre. You wouldn’t just paint pretty pictures for instance; you’d really be…...
When Venus aligns itself with the dreamy and intuitive realm of Pisces, it invites you into a profound exploration of the mysteries of love. This celestial union casts a spell upon your thoughts, entwining the concept of love seamlessly into…...
Question: Mars in aspect to Neptune interpretations are just strange. They range from it being vulnerable and seducible. Or it spirals into the desire for the ineffable and the magical. It may develop sex, narcotic and alcohol addictions. It is…...
It is said that no one can stand before the statue known as the Apollo Belvedere without instinctively straightening his shoulders and drawing himself up to his full stature. The fully developed Leonian has something of the same effect upon…...
Taureans are strong, consistent and enduring people with great inner vitality and resilience. Their impulse is to build, to create form, harmony and structure in whatever they do. They are lovers of ‘beauty’ in all its guises, exalted, exalted in…...
The highly evolved Cancerian is the master of many moods, both in himself and others; for when he has fully developed the faculty of expression he is the musician to whose piping all the world must dance. His true function…...
Aries is the first of the fire signs, therefore symbolic of spirit, therefore significant of the great event of existence, of creation is energy that produces new life out of old. In the Book of Revelations, it is to…...
The Grand Trine is a triangular aspect pattern involving three or more planets separated by an angle of 120 degrees (trine) each. The relevant planets are situated in signs of the same element and, due to the harmonious nature of…...
Venus in Capricorn often carries a reputation for being somewhat reserved and pragmatic, particularly in matters of the heart. This placement is sometimes described in astrological interpretations as favoring relationships that enhance social standing or offer material stability rather than…...
Question: I have Venus in Sagittarius. I love trying different kinds of foods, I love different kinds of cultures, anything non-traditional, unique, and different. I will not stay in a relationship with someone if they are not in love with…...
The earth signs—Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn—the trinity of stability, the creators of order in a world that seems to love nothing more than a bit of disorder and unpredictability. These are the people who keep their feet firmly on the ground…...